L5TJXG: Hover/mouse-over: Use of this site —by DestinyArchitect

  1. L5U1B1: WELCOME! ☺  This site promotes & pioneers Social-technology™ based on science & love (Rules for Love so Love Rules™ and Humans, Play-God wisely™). This site is for anyone caring about romance, friends, love, family, community, getting along, playing & working together, social & work relations & relationships, values/morals/ethics/religion, and social issues between life-forms and especially between us humans! In fact, per "What's life worth without others to truly share it with?", this site encourages us to take our social aspects (indeed our Social-technology™) more seriously than we take our ever-dominating technical-technology! This site is “created & owned & copyright © by DestinyArchitect with all rights reserved, including no copying & no printing unless noted, except: • the latest version is available for free for public reading & comment at any time” at http://LoveRules.Info.
  2. L5N5LD: What are these codes such as “L5N5LD” on (the right-top of) this paragraph? They are my invention, part of next-generation Wikipedia I'm architecting. Each is an ID to uniquely & permanently name, point-to, link-to, find, and timestamp most anything:
    1. L5TM6L: Each gives a unique & permanent ID to most-every paragraph, section, & document. And many are also an HTML-anchor to the item (to the start of that item within the web page it's on); for instance, the URL ending with “#L5TM6L” (click it!) sends you this paragraph.
      L6SVUW: How to find an ID, say if a link containing an ID is broken: Find the ID (it could be in the name of the reference/link as “L5TM6L: ...”, or in the URL bookmark as “...#L5TM6L”, or in the URL filename as “.../l5tm6l.html...”) then just search for it (in these cases, search for “L5TM6L”): if you know it's a place is within the present web page, use your web browser's find (Ctrl-F); otherwise use say Google Search (yes, you can find the item even if it has been renamed and/or moved to another website!).
    2. L5TM9Q: Each is also a timestamp, encoding the date & time of the ID's creation which typically tells when its item was first spoken/written/created: I will be publishing a decoder.

((post template)KKUJWXV instructions & history)KVUYWG

Revision 969 -2010.08.06pst1654 (~98% complete 2nd draft; testing underway):

.KUK0AN: The LoveRules.Info post template in Writely designed for the Writely editor.

  1. KVAG7R: Benefits (for http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info):

    1. KUK0IT: Makes creating a complete article dramatically faster
    2. KVAG92: Vastly helps insure every article is complete and in a standard, good uniform format, including:
    3. KVAFA8: essential document status: is on the first line, as “Revision 588 -2009.12.26pst1917 (~90% complete 2nd draft):
      1. KVALDX: The revision #. This is short way of telling which version plus how many versions done (the rough work on the document). It's especially useful when making a copy of the document as when the document itself is used as template.
      2. KUK1NA: The date at the start of the article is the time the article last modified in some significant way (so why it's proceeded by "-": it is an end time as opposed to the article post date (listed just before the post in the post summaries) which is generally the start time.). The writer must update this manually.
      3. KVAFCM: the version (as “2nd”) and how complete as “~50%” for about 50%.
        1. KVAFG3: Allowing documents to be published which are only partially done helps get the word & news out without waiting for some perfect state. Most every news agency does the effect of this (reports things when only partial information is known).
    4. KUK5L4: Referencing/Listing to the post can be easily done by copying a link to the post (as in the end of Title, one reason it's provided there) and pasting it into a new work then editing it as appropriate.
      1. KUK5RT: In most cases the name does not need to contain (so you do not need to copy) "IIIIII(...)" (the ID etc), as this is in the URL, so it is not included, but include if important.
      2. KUK694: To reference a particular paragraph or other anchor point, add to the end of the URL "#<anchor ID>" as add "#KUK694" for this paragraph.
    5. KVAGCV: Includes a document history which features
      1. KVAGGC: A 1st entry which features:
        1. KVAGHR: The Writely source - click this to edit the document.
        2. KVAGIE: Where the document came From (from scratch or from copying another document - including the exact Revision copied).
        3. KVAGK5: Officially published at URL.
        4. KVAGLK: Motive for creating.
      2. KVAGMR: Title (at creation).
      3. KVAGPQ: Additional noted updates to the document
    6. KV9V29: The template is "recursive-able": it can be partially instantiated then itself used (copied) again as a template any number of levels (recursively) while still enabling full tracking of history
      1. KV9WBH: Status: Experimental & under development.
      2. KV9X06: This template/source link is kind of like the “__proto__” pointer Prototype-based programming plus this also includes a link to the exact revision copied.
        1. KVALPL: Achieved by keeping a reference to the exact revision copied.
          1. KV9WDT: (In my 1st design) achieved by a document history when the template is instantiated, the last prior entry of the document history is retained (and the rest continues with the new document's history); and since each entry contains a unique ID, that tells the exact source from which the copy was made (including version).
          2. KV9X4A: The magic comes especially from the the from value (which where something was copied from including the revision) done in the copy step update the from value.
    7. L4NASC: Components

      1. L4NM3O: Overall

        1. L4NBZP: Intentionally components (except ones noted)...
          1. L4NM6U: have titles which are a proper (h1) section, which insures they are immediately well-formatted and listed in the table-of-contents
          2. L4NM82: Are each a list-item in an ordered list. Why/consequences:
            1. L4NMCC: Offset con: indents them a little much (which is toned down by CSS)
            2. L4NMCW: Pro: insures they are numbered for easy human management plus matching the Table-of-Contents
            3. L4NMD8: Big pro: can be managed and moved about an XHTML element including they now mark when each ends (unlike raw H1...h6 which fail at these).
        2. L4NM47: Now placed most all boilerplate text (text which isn't customized) in “” to make it clearer to the reader what's copied; hopefully this won't just add to confusion.
        3. L4QGXE: All IDs made into bookmarks via Writely
          1. L550DM: Following workaround L4W5P0 of (LoveRules.Info post template)KUJWXV
      2. L4NAT6: First line: Revision # & date plus developmental status summary

        1. L4NC1S: this is a stand-alone component (not a proper section) as its so short & needs to be at the top.
        2. L4NC52: It is at the top so that say, in the summary of posts created by blogger and others, the post title plus definitely this key summary will be listed.
      3. L4NC6P: The title

        1. L5ZNIL: Removed this section (thus CSS class="L4NK2Q") to use instead the title generated by the title which is now formatted as expected.
          1. L5ZNOW: This was warned of:
            1. L4NJ9J: Optional? -I'm undecided here. The blogging software may already display a title. On the other hand re-listing the title may be able to give more qualifying information (as subheadings) which the software won't handle.
        2. L4NC8Y: This is a stand-alone component (not a proper section) as there is no need to have it listed (redundantly) in the table of contents.'
        3. L4NCAK: Does NOT use a heading tag (as H1) as then that frees this tag up to do sectioning and there is only one of these needed, if NOT already done by the blogging or similar software.
        4. L4NJ1K: This is set by:
          1. L4NJ2B: First putting there an ID for this section which NOT the same as the ID for the document. If the text of the document comes from another source which already has an ID, that ID will be used (copied over); otherwise a new ID is created. This allows the text to be moved independent of the document which happens to contain it.
          2. L4NJ6E: Copying from the Document Background & History the latest title (if only one then the "Title at creation") but
            1. L4NJFC: relinking that to bookmark in particular this ID to the actual top section, not the whole document.
            2. L4NJFM: Removing the "(" and the ")KUJWXV"
      4. L5ZNRT: Document Title Subheading - to be implemented

        1. L5ZNT1: Needed for additional stuff which can't fit in the title.
        2. L5ZNUE: Needed to contain links to stuff referenced by the title.
      5. L4NCC7: The Contents (Table of Contents)

        1. L4NCCL: This is NOT a proper section as it would be just wasteful for the contents to list itself.
        2. L4NCGG: I just added this (TOC) to the template as I've found it's so useful on longer documents I was having to add it manually
      6. L4NAUX: Document Participants, Topics, & Confidentiality

        1. L4NAW9: Created this (just now) based on one in KJX7H8 text document (template) but simplifying & enhancing it in a number of key ways:
          1. L4NIHT: Gave the table this class ID (L4NIHT) replacing the class ID KKR9R0 of the table of which it was based on.
          2. L4NB09: Combined columns Org+title+address into one, which is simpler plus allows one to have multiple sets of these.
          3. L4NB2X: Allowed a person/group to easily have listed multiple roles and including the date range for each role when not "always".
            1. L4NBBC: By doing the roles & dates in the same cell, this makes it much easier to specify if different roles have different dates (as happens) and even if someone takes a role, leaves it, then returns to it.
            2. L4NB9X: This then includes proper people (or topics) who were involved for good historic record.
          4. L4NB4C: Renamed "Name or Qty" (confusing) with better "Name of individual else group"
          5. L4NB6C: Now includes the topics covered to be included here, too, which also benefits as even they can have a date range (say if it turns out that one topic (as in a bug diagnosis) later becomes relevant or goes off track)
          6. L4NBES: Included a sample values row which can be easily deleted if not desired, else left for reference as one needs to add/remove/update real rows.
          7. L4NBHX: Updated the access levels to match what Google Docs currently offers (for at least Writely & Spreadsheet)
          8. L4NBJ1: Added (forgotten but typical) access level "no-access (confidential info)" (bolded and explained to alert of the need for confidentiality)
          9. L4NBGR: Overall reduced from 7 columns to 4 which notably increased functionality & simplicity.
          10. L4NBV4: This section is included in the table-of-contents especially because it could be notably long and, when present, is important.
          11. L4NBP4: While this section should be included in any non-public document or any public document directed from/to particular people, it otherwise probably would be deleted to minimize clutter though still might be helpful.
          12. L4NBTL: On very confidential documents, this might be listed first BEFORE the Title & table of contents are mentioned, as KJX7H8(text_doc_template) does in its design.
          13. L4NBWC: This section has the subheading "--who & who-is-to use/have-access + topics, summarized from the Document History" to make clear the document history still has the official/exact word on who has access.
      7. L4NCI6: Body section(s)

        1. L4NCIZ: Starting now, for now, I made these be H1, H2, etc, so to easily add nice formatting plus especially to be compatible with the auto-table-of-contents generators out there (as provided by Writely plus I now see the TOC generation of Wp-Wiki.Org)
      8. L4NCND: Document Background & History

        1. L4NGFU: This is now a proper section (with h1 & a list-item) so now also listed in the TOC & more.
        2. L4NGKX: The first/initial entry

          1. L4NH05: is for all initial basic document parameters plus telling how & why the doc was created
          2. L4NGHM: Is now cleaner, including the source document ("to new Writely doc KUJWXV.") I've now de-emphasized (not as big) and placed in the "formed" paragraph as this is only of interest to authors.
          3. L4NGNC: Except as noted, every paragraph uses the phrase "initally" or "at creation" to emphasize these are initial settings,
            1. L4NH0S: except for the heading as that is implicit by the wording "<date> created..."
            2. L4NGS5: except for the "Confidentiality & Copyright" as, especially for confidential docs, we DON'T want to give any hint that these might change (as loosen) unless until you actually see it.
          4. L4NH21: confidentiality & copyright paragraph
            1. L4NG4T: Universal wording is tricky (indeed I've never seen it done) because a because most public docs, especially those on the web & ad-supported, do flips to try to get you to "bookmark" them, share them with friend, get on their mailing list so they can remind you to read more, etc, where as confidential docs might not even want you to permanently have a copy, and of course probably never share it, so any words of confidentiality or even potential confidentiality (needed for the docs protection) might scare the user off in the case where you instead want the opposite.
            2. L4NGC3: The wording I've now placed at the top of this section to make sure, which ever way the emphasis is, it's quickly noted.
            3. L4NCW7: Now features better support for confidential docs
              1. L4NGE8: The new universal wording is quote[L2MXTP: Confidentiality & Copyright: This document is copyrighted & could be confidential; specifically the document's owner(s) require all having this document abide by LoveRules.Info ownership & access rights (on LoveRules.Info About) with no exceptions unless its owner(s) state otherwise below or here: no exceptions now.] which among many changes:
                1. L4NH7E: Added the word (in bold) "Confidentiality" and "could be confidential".
          5. L4NH85: "Initially formed by: " paragraph answers that
            1. L4NHDJ: Useful for authors who have to maintain the document.
            2. L4NHDY: Sometimes useful to readers who want to reduce complexity by seeing docs fall into a common structure.
            3. L4NH9Q: Now renamed "created from" to "Intially formed by" as "formed by" can be reused as the document is re-formed.
            4. L4NI3I: The source document pointer "Writely doc KUJWXV http://Docs.Google.com/View?docid=dc6vsxdw_24779637xfk" now explicitly displays the URL as the last part of the link per the same motives as "Initially Published-at URL: "; it may be better to list these two URLs together but since they're not created at the same time, I don't.
          6. L4NHBZ: "Motive at creation: " answers that,
            1. L4NHCW: not strictly essential but often useful for gathering original intent, which is easily forgotten (even by the author) if not captured at creation.
            2. L4NHHA: Listed just before the titling as typically details of the motive heavily shape the title
          7. L4NHJA: "Title at creation"="Title at creation:"
            1. L4NHKK: The title needs to be listed as sometimes it's not listed in all printouts.
            2. L4NHL3: It's good to keep each version of the title as this simple bookkeeping:
              1. L4NHLS: shows important development in the document.
              2. L4NHMN: Is useful for finding the document given prior references to it which only use its old name plus now have a link which is broken (or have no link).
            3. L4NIVU: Now renamed from[KUJWXV(LoveRules.Info post template)] to[(LoveRules.Info post template)KUJWXV] per this new titling standard which gets puts these messy IDs at the end.
          8. L4NHP2: "Initially Published-at URL: "
            1. L4NHSL: The URL is essential for finding the document (yes, it can sometimes be found by selecting & searching for its key words, but most people don't seem to know that trick and the document must be well indexed in public search engines else (if confidential) in a search engine which the user has access to to (which, in the later case) is often not likely)
            2. L4NHPY: Without the explicitly listed URL,
              1. L4NHRD: some browser's printouts of the document won't list the URL else will truncate it in the printout
              2. L4NHRM: if being edited in a separate system (as Google Docs published then to a blog) even the author may not have quick reference to the officially published URL but commonly needs this to make sure links from other documents can find this document
            3. L4NHY3: This is listed last because it's actually last to be created and to make it easy to find especially since it is key to referencing the doc.
            4. L4NIDZ: For docs which aren't published (as confidential docs or docs under construction), change the displayed link to "UNPUBLISHED"
        3. L4NGUV: Additional entries are made here (in order) especially whenever any of these above parameters need to change.

        4. L6QSIU:The setting currently in affect are (to be) bolded.

          1. L6QSMG: Settings change: the title can change, the published URL can change, and copyright could change. And this section keeps a history of those changes. But what's most important is the current setting, so that is placed in bold.
            1. L6QSPO: Before this, I had CSS set all Title & URL settings in bold, but that was too distracting after one change.
          2. L6QTIE: Implementation
            1. L6QTJ4: Where possible with with CSS, notably with last-of-type-L6QWR6 CSS selector which doesn't yet exist.
              1. L6QX21: The last-of-type CSS selector works on seemingly all browsers except not yet IE, however http://www.quirksmode.org/css/type.html makes clear to me it really should be called "last-child-of-type" as that's what it does.
              2. L6QWR6:last-of-type-L6QWR6 CSS selector CSS selector
                1. L6QWTD: This selector doesn't exist but it would do what "last-of-type" name would imply.
                2. L6QWU7: When it does exist, the code using it will work; until then it seems to produce unformatted code, which is fine.
            2. L6QTL0: Else via keyboard ctrl-B (bold) which will need to be manually maintained (turn off last setting).

    8. KVAFLT: Writing documents (on http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info)

      1. KVAAVN: After updating this document or a copy (takes about 1 minute), do in this order:

        1. KVAF4D: If a significant update, append The document history with at least 1 entry for it.
        2. KVA4T8: Replace the document update date & completion status as quote[-2009.12.26pst1354 (~50% complete 2nd draft):] with the appropriate values.
        3. KVABXN: Update the document's revision (update the say “Revision 570” at the start of the document): This is done by doing[File->See Revision History], copying the latest revision link as “Revision 588”, click “Back to editing”, then pasting this over last revision link; note doing this last paste actually creates 1 more revision but we'll ignore that.
        4. KVAB0D: If desired, do[Share->Publish as web page->Post to Blog] posting it to http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info
          1. KVAI7P: If the document is used as a template for other documents, then potentially the other documents have to be updated, too.
      2. KUK0HB: To post a new article on http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info,

        1. KVAHRX: If a new article (doesn't exist in Writely)
          1. KVAHTJ: Copy a template document notably this document (Writely document KUJWXV)
        2. KVAHZI: If an existing Writely document not created with this this templating mechanism (KUJWXV(LoveRules.Info post template))
          1. KVAI3E: Instructions to be written@@@
        3. KUK5O9: List the post in CONTENTS of LoveRules.Info
        4. KVA49V: Edit (write) the document.
        5. KVAHZ2: Do After updating this document or a copy
      3. KVAI4I: To update an article after its template has been updated (hard).

        1. KUK0HL: Unfortunately Writely provides no mechanism (like FrontPage's Dynamic Web Templates and similar) allowing you automatically update your articles to conform when their template is updated, so you'll have to do this manually as best you can which unfortunately is often quite painful (tricky & time consuming & still easy to make mistakes).
        2. KVALLZ: Making it easier is the fact that the copy includes revision it was copied from; this would allow a 3-way diff (what changes were made to the template since (and if need be, what changes were made to the copy -- although the templated material shouldn't be generally be changed) which then would possibly be of great assistance to the merge.
        3. KVEPJ8: Picking a 3-way Merge tool
          1. KVEPJR: I considered using the Writely built-in diff: not very successful
            1. KVEPLA: Created a file KVEPLA(3-way updated template merge test) ; first pasted in the common ancestor which was Revision 676 I recall. To the common ancestor I applied the new template version (via HTML code) then seconds later the current content (via HTML code); the current content wouldn't get applied due to the conflict but it would display the diff: this was a semi-good diff but wouldn't help a lot for merging.
          2. KVEPUD: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_comparison_tools - has all the data ; I've reviewed it from A to diffuse (not beyond)
            1. KVEPX4: found via http://techblog.procurios.nl/k/n618/news/view/15404/14863/Three-way-merge-for-HTML.html
          3. KVEPXS: ECMerge Pro for $60
            1. KVEPY6: Found via Google Search[HTML merge 3-way] then http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_comparison_tools
            2. KVEPZA: Has nearly every feature except git integration; features EMCAScript extension.
          4. KVEQ08: diffuse - GPL .
            1. KVEQ13: Found via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_comparison_tools ; has most features except patches & SCM.
            2. KVEQJH: Try it 1st time; on Iris3 installed Diffuse
        4. KVAIQH: Instructions to be written@@@
      4. . KV9XQ1: To copy a (template) document (takes about 5 minutes), do this in order:

        1. KV9XTL: Open the document in Writely
        2. KVA2LA: insure source's status is current: do after updating this document if not been done
          1. KW3M4S: if not sure, then to find out (note the Revision <X> at the top of the document; see if the real document revision # (from File->See Revision History) is more than 2 revisions after this; if so it hasn't been done).
        3. KVA2ZK: Do[File->Make a copy...] creating & opening a copy, then in this new document:
        4. L4NBLK: The remainder steps need to be updated to handle the new functionality, notably the updates listed in the new section Components.
        5. KV9XUQ: The document history content: delete everything after the entry "created this document"
        6. KVA465: Instantiate the new document as much as possible (notably do the [from>to] substitutions), including:
          1. KVAB6G: The document history 1st entry, in that:
            1. KVABCH: Replace the entry/document ID with a new fresh ID x.
            2. KVAYHD: Replace the creation date & time with the same time (as the document ID): do say javascript:"KUJWXV".UTC70s36_date_KCSRMT() else just put the current time.
            3. KVAYKT: Replace the creator link with the creator's link.
            4. KVABSB: Update the from value: delete any value there now and replace it with
              copying as directed Writely doc KUJWXVRevision 625 -2009.12.26pst2336 (~93% complete 2nd draft)””
              but where:
              1. KVAZ39: (1) Writely document KUJWXV is replaced with the link to the source document
                1. KVAZ5N: (this link is still in the entry's top (prior) paragraph (not yet updated) so just copy it from there) and
              2. KVAZ3F: (2) everything following that is a quote of the status line of the source document minus the terminating “:”
                1. KVAZ6M: If insure source's status is current was done
                  1. KVAZ61: Then this info is in the document's top line (not yet updated) so just copy it from there
                  2. KVAZC0: Otherwise (say if the source wasn't writable) this info must be obtained in the same manner insure source's status is current would obtain it.
            5. KVABKI: Update links to itself: Every unquoted link to the source Writely document (notably the one in this 1st line), update that with the corresponding name & link to the new document (for instance, do replacement [[Writely document [KUJWXV>x]>>update link])
            6. KVAC47: For Motive value, replace this with the present value.
            7. KVACD6: For Officially published at append “--invalid”
            8. KVACI4: For Title name replace that with the desired name and for the exact title append “--invalid”.
          2. KUK5ZK: Do all possible substitution expressions of the form [from>to>>comment]
        7. KVA06U: Rename the document to x, the new ID of the 1st document history entry.
        8. KVA0RO: create published URL: Publish via after updating this document creating the published URL
        9. KVACLE: The document history 1st entry, in that:
          1. KVACMH: For Officially published at replace with the new published URL ridding the “--invalid”
          2. KVACQU: For Title, the exact title value, determine this:
            1. KVAD09: Replace the link with the new published URL
            2. KVAD0S: Replace the ID with the new ID x.
            3. KVAD11: Set the Title text to be the desired name text.
            4. KVAD1J: Copy the the full title, then in the Writely editor rename the document to that title.
            5. KVAD35: If the Writely document title get edited (as truncated) by Writely, go back to the full title Title and edit the text there so this ideally won't happen then go back to the prior step.
    9. L4NCRO:

      CSS code for the template

      1. Now at LoveRules.Info post template KUJWXV CSS L6QZ39] from source.

    KVA16I: Some Document History

    1. KVUYWG: 2010.01.06pst1955- I DestinyArchitect created this document (Writely doc KVUYWG); it's © Fully Copyright by the creator with all rights reserved except as stated otherwise in writing by the copyright holder.
      1. KVA3T1: From: copying as directed Writely document KUJWXV “Revision 727 -2009.12.29pst1611 (~95% complete 2nd draft; testing underway)
      2. KVA579: Officially published at: http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info/2010/01/kvuywg.html
      3. KVA3VQ: Motive (at creation): the instructions are getting too long to copy into every new document so deserve their own document, enabling the template to be kept short.
      4. KVA3WV: Title (at creation): desiring name[KKUJWXV(LoveRules.Info post template) instructions & history]; renamed to title[KVUYWG(KKUJWXV(post template) instructions & history)].
    2. KUK0RM: Added L as an editor of this document so, on copies (articles) made of it, L will (unless overridden) automatically get edit access to in order to proof them.
    3. KUK1EO: (2009.12.12pst1140); published (and put into use) version 1 (of KUJWXV(LoveRules.Info post template)).
    4. KVA8KJ: Adding recursive templating/instantiation (version 2: a big rewrite)
      1. KVA8LP: Cut quote[[KUJWZ9: >yours]I created the article by opening KUJWXV(LoveRules.Info post template) in Writely then doing[File->Make a copy...] creating [Writely doc source>>link URL to it]. Then I renamed just the ID of this paragraph so official URL (created on it's first post) will contain just that in the name. I desired the title[[PostName>yours]] but I may have to reduce that to fit or may want to improve the name. I then did[Share->Publish as web page->Post to Blog] posting it to http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info creating official URL [http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info/2009/12/kujwxv.html>yours]; then renamed to[[KUJWZ9>yours]([PostName>yours])] which fits.]
        1. KVAH4X: It's now replaced by the template's own real 1st entry plus creation instructions better stored in the template itself.
      2. KVAH7O: cut quote[–above article LoveRules.Info post template officially published at http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info/2009/12/kujwxv.html] which used to be at the end.
        1. KVAHDK: I replaced this with just using these values which are already displayed in the document history (to avoid additional redundancy so maintenance). I am praying the readers will take a few seconds to find them there; to make them more findable I created CSS classes KVAEOZ & KVAEQB to highlight them. One additional complexity is they could change so the reader must know to scan for the latest values. I wouldn't do this if I could get the maintenance automatic.
    5. KVFV2I: Just completed removal of renaming of IDs done by Writely.
    6. KVUZ9F: Move document instructions & history from the template to this here (it's own document) per motive above.
    7. KW3OI5: Create better copyright system which covers confidential documents
      1. KW3T7D: Modeled after what I did in my prior template design, as support for confidential documents.
    8. Released many instances of quote[Revision 1039 -2010.05.18pst1459]
    9. L4MYPD: Updated the template
      1. L4MYS9: So the section titles there are consistent with the other sectioning used (list items & H1 & H2).
      2. L4OHIA: Many more improvements- diff the template & this doc for details.
    10. L4OHJG: Renamed to title[((post template)KKUJWXV instructions & history)KVUYWG] for readability & new format. This doc now to q[ Revision 679 -2010.06.27pst0803]
    11. L4OI30: Template now to q[Revision 1118 -2010.06.27pst0808 (~100% complete 3rd draft)]
    12. L4QGVY: More improvements - diff (includes IDs of sections detailed in L4QGXE)
    13. L553GV: Template now to q[Revision 1146 -2010.07.06pst0733 (~100% complete 3rd draft)]
    14. Updates to document title - diff
    15. L5ZO0T: Update for having 6-digit codes floating right
    16. L5ZO20: New release q[Revision 1176 -2010.07.22pst1923 (~100% complete 4th draft)]
    17. L5ZOKO: Did a global substitution from[http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info] to[http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info] on both the template and these instructions.
    18. L6QYVT: Added functionality q[L6QSIU:The setting currently in affect are (to be) bolded.] including last-of-type-L6QWR6 CSS selector, new release q[Revision 1214 -2010.08.06pst1317 (~99% complete 5th version)]
    19. L6R662:  Extracted the CSS code here into its own doc quote[LoveRules.Info post template KUJWXV CSS L6QZ39] from source]
       then republished the template as q[Revision 1228 -2010.08.06pst1653 (~99% complete 5th version)]