“L4N2ZW: Document Participants, Confidentiality, & Topics
--currently (who's involved & their role(s) & access, plus topics) as summarized from the Document's History
.KL582L Name of individual else group Their every relevant (Org & Title & Address) Their every (Document Role & its date range if not "always") KKUMN9 anyone public” no-access (confidential info) KKUMIS -- owner's Editor author-who-can't-invite-others KKUMMO none -- author-who-can-invite-others-to-edit-or-view KKUMHS DestinyArchitect -- owner & initial author LESD8K: Google Writely document template -- topic L4N8UB: 2010.01~-2010.06.23~-present -- topic [>pic]LESD9L:Document Overview
—Read for a quick full-picture of what's hereheader[KVV161:How to use this document template
- LESP4W: See "why LES2K3" below
- LESP4F: See Writing Docs in ((post template)KKUJWXV instructions & history)KVUYWG
KVV0OX: Sample item 1
“KVA16I: Document's History in order
- LES7X4: The confidentiality: As all documents would be safest to start and may forever exist, this document is (secret and copyright with all rights reserved) except as its owner(s) later state otherwise in writing (below else in another document or site).”
- LES1MY:the default (speaker, doer, & owner): DestinyArchitect
- LES1VQ: formed: LES1K6:=20110911pst0338 Writely doc LES1K6 https://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dc6vsxdw_375krmkhzd7
- LES2JF: how: LEST74: "Writely->Make as copy->copy collaborators" on the source doc(s):
- LESJGC:“Writely doc KUJWXV http://docs.google.com/Edit?docid=0AX07OJ9W4BnBZGM2dnN4ZHdfMjQ3Nzk2Mzd4Zms” “Revision 1238 -2010.08.07pst1118 (~99% complete 5th version)”
- LES4ML: Notes about this (included here because that it's format doesn't allow documentation of it self in the same document)
- LES2Z5:BIG CON: it takes a lot of time (about 5 minutes & if you know what you're doing) to create a new copy (a new blank document to put something): I think it will take take programming to fix this which doesn't seem easy to do so in Writely.
- LES55R: History section
- LES4OS:CON: NO to: allow a template to document its evolution in itself.
- LES31O:CON: It's not all linear chronological history, but has seeming status info as q[2009.12.12pst1005 I DestinyArchitect “created & own this document”]. Currently it's only strictly linear if we ignore the status.
- LES39N: Small CON: The paragraph giving the document ID is not the one displaying the document ID
- LES36V: Small CON: I don't like the way one replaces the history on the old document to make the new history; it's not the way I would like to think of things.
- LES2K3:why:
LEST8G: the source doc has drawbacks that I'm fixing here - LESKLX:confidentiality addendum: all having this document must abide by LoveRules.Info ownership & access rights (on LoveRules.Info About)
- KVA579:the Published-at URL: http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info/TBA
- KVA3WV:The Title: LESV7H: Writely doc template LESUZ6.
- LES2XW: most notably:
- LES4WG: I'd like to fix LES2Z5 but don't see how for reasons it mentions.
- LESPE5: The "Document Participants, Confidentiality, & Topics" section
- LESPLS: Note this can be removed for case where the documents are all public read (as on LoveRules) or perhaps where it is all private.
- LESPJ5: I'm making this the 1st section instead of the 2nd as one must be aware of the present confidentiality of the document before talking about its contents.
- LESPQL: The "Document Overview" Section
- LESPRO: Made this it own section, primarily since it's no longer in the beginning so needs a wrapper.
- LES5B2: The "Document History" Section:
- LESJ4D: how done
- LESI0Z: Preface:
LESI46: Entries in the history section are in the order of when the situation/property they describe started.
- LESI46: Each entry
- LESI7H: begins with a code (as "LESI7H" for this paragraph) of type L5N5LD which says or should say:
- the ID gives the date & time in which the first version/copy of this entry was first inserted.
- LESK90: If the entry has no copy, then the ID gives globally ID for the entry plus (by default) the date in which that entry was first inserted.
- LESKDB: If the entry has copies, (but not on that same page, which is never done) then the ID gives a unique ID for that entry within that page but the date in which the this particular entry was created is unknown unless it is the original copy.
- LESIFB: The start date of the situation described by the entry is (consider in order):
- LESJZF: if the entry begins with an explicit date (optionally proceeded by say "Starting " or "On ") that that date
- LESK01: the entry's start date
- LESJ13: An explicit date can be:
- LESKV7: an absolute date (as "20110109pst0937"="LESKYI")
- LESKVO: a date relative to the entry date as "~5days ago" = "about 5 days ago"
- LESKWY: a date relative to the entry position as notably "Next"
- LES69T: include a section for each relevant document history (note we need to include histories of immediate source documents)
- LES6A7:Every document history section
- LES7AO: is of the format used in this document (of section LES1K6) but of course with values changed to the appropriate values
- LES78O:Implied by this, q[Default speaker, doer, & owner: ] and q[formed] can be changed by subsequent history entries, such as q[default owner: Jun]
- LES6DK: This solves LES39N
- LES6FY: The history of source document(s)
- LES6HS: comes before the history of of the present document.
- is automatically copied to the new document (since the new doc is a copy) but then truncated to the minimal:
- LES3JV: It's particular history truncated to just
- LES3PU: it's permanent URL (which should be at its start) plus
- LES5WQ: comments on the source if these can't be included in the source
- LES3R1:the revision # & date of which this is a copy
- LES3ZG: Unfortunately Writely doesn't maintain else show the link to where a document was copied from (as say Subversion does) so
- LES41E: it heavily helps to maintain it manually. If this info is provided as it should (as put it there before making a copy); and if this a copy of the present version, then that should be marked at the end of its history.
- LES428: If this info is NOT provided & copied, it could be computed (by seeing for version 0 of the dest document exactly matches version x of document y) but cur
rently Writely provides no automated facilities to make this very expensive manual computation. - LES47W:the source's source history is completely deleted from the copy as that can be easily seen by checking the URL to the source.
- LESIT9: why/features:
- LES5BY:Solves all problems mentioned in LES55R, including:
- LES4FO: doesn't mix in status so now ALL strictly linear