Category: Romance and Relationships [
- In my MySpace profile, in "Who I'd like to meet:", under "FOR ROMANCE", I began with
something which I believe is:- the most important thing to have in a healthy romance; indeed,
- holds the solution to "The War of the Sexes" -- see my upcoming book, "Ideal Romance for Today's Humans".
- It is:
- (1st) and foremost, GOOD FRIENDLY PEOPLE! (All The Above), meaning a romance foremost acting as a friend(tm)
In other words, friends-over-romance(tm): acting as friends takes precedence over romance.
Sound nice & "of course"? No, I mean fully, without exception --
Want your romance to be your friend? Then, if you wouldn't do it to your friend, then don't do it to your romance:(tm)- You don't dispose of friends,
- You don't leave you friend because you found a new friend,
- You don't tell your friends not to have any other friends; in fact,
- You usually don't have just one friend (that's generally NOT a good idea)
--And if romance is to be based on friendship,- do you really think making an exception and excluding friends would be friendly & loving?
- do you know there are over 1 million web pages saying it's not?
- it's generally polite, loving, & wise to ADD friends & NOT exclude(tm)..>.
And, before you answer,
As, at least by my logic,
- You don't insist that your friend supply all your friendship needs
- Finally (or initially), to become your friend, you don't require this huge laundry list of imagined intellectual criteria! As
- particular job or income your friend must have,
- did you meet your friend in "the right" place (um, unless you plan to spend your years together at "the gas station", I really don't think it much matters),
- planned-out numerical age range for your friend (hey, the sexes (and friends) went 1 billion years without numbers; what about just: Do you like what you see?!),
- religious/political label your friend must have (have we forgotten actions speak louder than words? The rest of the animal kingdom hasn't.),
- that they must be your ideal friend, in fact your "soul-mate" friend, else no friend at all.
(and of course you've got to determine this before you start getting friendly) - and (worst) that they aren't too friendly with all the other friends,
and that they haven't already had too many friends (!).
- (1st) and foremost, GOOD FRIENDLY PEOPLE! (All The Above), meaning a romance foremost acting as a friend(tm)
- Sex & romance is awesome! --don't go without, do it at least once a week-- EXCEPT
NEVER let romance & sex forsake safety, real love, and acting as friends.(tm) --The essence of what I call ROMANCE FRIENDS!(tm)
Friends-OVER-Romance!(tm) © 20071115175032 by self (143144602) ]
KQ3RLX: Some Document History
- KQ3RW1: [21:46, 15 Nov 2007 | Thursday] created on MySpace as “Friends-OVER-Romance!™ (view more)”.
- KQ3RXZ: (20090917...) copied to Writely doc posted to Blogger.
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