L5TJXG: Hover/mouse-over: Use of this site —by DestinyArchitect

  1. L5U1B1: WELCOME! ☺  This site promotes & pioneers Social-technology™ based on science & love (Rules for Love so Love Rules™ and Humans, Play-God wisely™). This site is for anyone caring about romance, friends, love, family, community, getting along, playing & working together, social & work relations & relationships, values/morals/ethics/religion, and social issues between life-forms and especially between us humans! In fact, per "What's life worth without others to truly share it with?", this site encourages us to take our social aspects (indeed our Social-technology™) more seriously than we take our ever-dominating technical-technology! This site is “created & owned & copyright © by DestinyArchitect with all rights reserved, including no copying & no printing unless noted, except: • the latest version is available for free for public reading & comment at any time” at http://LoveRules.Info.
  2. L5N5LD: What are these codes such as “L5N5LD” on (the right-top of) this paragraph? They are my invention, part of next-generation Wikipedia I'm architecting. Each is an ID to uniquely & permanently name, point-to, link-to, find, and timestamp most anything:
    1. L5TM6L: Each gives a unique & permanent ID to most-every paragraph, section, & document. And many are also an HTML-anchor to the item (to the start of that item within the web page it's on); for instance, the URL ending with “#L5TM6L” (click it!) sends you this paragraph.
      L6SVUW: How to find an ID, say if a link containing an ID is broken: Find the ID (it could be in the name of the reference/link as “L5TM6L: ...”, or in the URL bookmark as “...#L5TM6L”, or in the URL filename as “.../l5tm6l.html...”) then just search for it (in these cases, search for “L5TM6L”): if you know it's a place is within the present web page, use your web browser's find (Ctrl-F); otherwise use say Google Search (yes, you can find the item even if it has been renamed and/or moved to another website!).
    2. L5TM9Q: Each is also a timestamp, encoding the date & time of the ID's creation which typically tells when its item was first spoken/written/created: I will be publishing a decoder.


-2007.11.15: (100% complete but older & outdated links; needs updating)
Category: Romance and Relationships [
  1. In my MySpace profile, in "Who I'd like to meet:", under "FOR ROMANCE", I began with
    something which I believe is:
    1. the most important thing to have in a healthy romance; indeed,
    2. holds the solution to "The War of the Sexes" -- see my upcoming book, "Ideal Romance for Today's Humans".
  2. It is:
    • (1st) and foremost, GOOD FRIENDLY PEOPLE! (All The Above), meaning a romance foremost acting as a friend(tm)
      In other words, friends-over-romance(tm): acting as friends takes precedence over romance. 
      Sound nice & "of course"?  No, I mean fully, without exception --
      Want your romance to be your friend?
        Then, if you wouldn't do it to your friend, then don't do it to your romance:(tm)
      1. You don't dispose of friends,
      2. You don't leave you friend because you found a new friend,
      3. You don't tell your friends not to have any other friends; in fact,
      4. You usually don't have just one friend (that's generally NOT a good idea)
        --And if romance is to be based on friendship,
        1. do you really think making an exception and  excluding friends would be friendly & loving?
        2. And, before you answer,

        3. do you know there are over 1 million web pages saying it's not?
        4. As, at least by my logic,

        5. it's generally polite, loving, & wise to ADD friends & NOT exclude(tm)..>.
      5. You don't insist that your friend supply all your friendship needs
      6. Finally (or initially), to become your friend, you don't require this huge laundry list of imagined intellectual criteria!  As
        1. particular job or income your friend must have,
        2. did you meet your friend in "the right" place (um, unless you plan to spend your years together at "the gas station", I really don't think it much matters),
        3. planned-out numerical age range for your friend (hey, the sexes (and friends) went 1 billion years without numbers; what about just: Do you like what you see?!),
        4. religious/political label your friend must have (have we forgotten actions speak louder than words?  The rest of the animal kingdom hasn't.),
        5. that they must be your ideal friend, in fact your "soul-mate" friend, else no friend at all.
          (and of course you've got to determine this before you start getting friendly)
        6. and (worst) that they aren't too friendly with all the other friends,
          and that they haven't already had too many friends (!).
    No, you don't do that to your friends!  So don't do it to your romance, either!
  3. Sex & romance is awesome! --don't go without, do it at least once a week-- EXCEPT
    NEVER let romance & sex forsake safety, real love, and acting as friends.
    (tm)  --The essence of what I call ROMANCE FRIENDS!(tm)

Friends-OVER-Romance!(tm) © 20071115175032 by self (143144602) ]

KQ3RLX:  Some Document History
  1. KQ3RW1:  [21:46, 15 Nov 2007 | Thursday] created on MySpace as “Friends-OVER-Romance!™  (view more)”.
  2. KQ3RXZ:  (20090917...) copied to Writely doc posted to Blogger
Official URL: http://LoveRules.Info/2009/09/kq3r6b.html

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