L5TJXG: Hover/mouse-over: Use of this site —by DestinyArchitect

  1. L5U1B1: WELCOME! ☺  This site promotes & pioneers Social-technology™ based on science & love (Rules for Love so Love Rules™ and Humans, Play-God wisely™). This site is for anyone caring about romance, friends, love, family, community, getting along, playing & working together, social & work relations & relationships, values/morals/ethics/religion, and social issues between life-forms and especially between us humans! In fact, per "What's life worth without others to truly share it with?", this site encourages us to take our social aspects (indeed our Social-technology™) more seriously than we take our ever-dominating technical-technology! This site is “created & owned & copyright © by DestinyArchitect with all rights reserved, including no copying & no printing unless noted, except: • the latest version is available for free for public reading & comment at any time” at http://LoveRules.Info.
  2. L5N5LD: What are these codes such as “L5N5LD” on (the right-top of) this paragraph? They are my invention, part of next-generation Wikipedia I'm architecting. Each is an ID to uniquely & permanently name, point-to, link-to, find, and timestamp most anything:
    1. L5TM6L: Each gives a unique & permanent ID to most-every paragraph, section, & document. And many are also an HTML-anchor to the item (to the start of that item within the web page it's on); for instance, the URL ending with “#L5TM6L” (click it!) sends you this paragraph.
      L6SVUW: How to find an ID, say if a link containing an ID is broken: Find the ID (it could be in the name of the reference/link as “L5TM6L: ...”, or in the URL bookmark as “...#L5TM6L”, or in the URL filename as “.../l5tm6l.html...”) then just search for it (in these cases, search for “L5TM6L”): if you know it's a place is within the present web page, use your web browser's find (Ctrl-F); otherwise use say Google Search (yes, you can find the item even if it has been renamed and/or moved to another website!).
    2. L5TM9Q: Each is also a timestamp, encoding the date & time of the ID's creation which typically tells when its item was first spoken/written/created: I will be publishing a decoder.

Description of the group UUYA! of Orange County,CA,US KRLCEJ

In the box below is the description of the Meetup group Unitarian Universalist YOUNG ADULTS! of Orange County,CA,US (look there to see it in use),
also posted here on this blog so readers can place constructive comments on it:

Revision 731 -2010.08.02pst0222:

L6CBY8: * = While the founders & leaders of this group are Unitarian Universalists(UU) and this group is done in the spirit of UU (minus the politics), the names “Unitarian Universalist” and “Unitarian Universalism” and “UU” are not owned by this group and while this group would like to be endorsed by the name owners, in the meantime this group runs independently and by its own funding and no official affiliation, connection, association, approval, endorsement, or sponsorship by the name owners should be assumed. However, for everyone's benefit, I strongly encourage you to encourage the name owners to endorse us!

This chapter and parent organization fully matches UU guidelines as best as known,
so is awaiting official UU endorsement — why this group's currently Private.
So you can see everything, and be ready & notified at that time, and show your support,
Please join now! —you can signup using your Facebook login.  L6FAFG


The Orange County, California, US, chapter of
UUYA! (Unitarian Universalist* YOUNG ADULTS! International)

“for Orange County's UU & UU-curious Young Adults (appearing 18 to 30s) and their supporters”
your one-stop shopping for all UU Young Adult things in the area:
events, discussions, groups, people, everything!

  1. STRONGLY "YOUNG ADULT": Networking & connections (#1), building relationships of all sorts (friends, family, romance, business, & spiritual), dating/singles, hot music & tunes, adventure, partying, dancing, singing, clubbing, outdoors, sports, military, political debate, social action, personal growth, career & family starting, college & trade-school, high tech & modern (Meetup.com & Web 2.0, smartphones, YouTube, Twitter), discovery, travel, and more!”
  2. What the heck is UU??  See §L2N032 in (Unitarian Universalism (UU) is inclusive & cool! L2MYPI).
  3. BEING A UUYA! MEMBER AND POSTER IS FREE (free to join, free to post, free photo & profile directory of all members, etc, and no tithing required!), thanks to the chapter's head organizer who pays ~$15/mo so this is
  4. HOSTED ON MEETUP.COM, the leading local-group web-hosting service, operating world-wide, and outperforming Yahoo Groups, Facebook Groups, eVite,... seeming everything. Meetup's like MySpace but IN-PERSON (face-to-face, what a "concept"! Meetup's goal is to MEET-UP!). And UNLIKE Facebook, Meetup respects your privacy (use a pseudonym or just first name), essential to protect your freedom of speech so your personal life doesn't permanently get onto your business resume and you can safely speak your mind, participate in controversial groups, and more.
  5. And most events are free or quite inexpensive (if they are typical Meetup.com events).” And...
  6. We're a proud follower & endorser of
    Universal Rules & Guidelines for Meetup.com L2PFGY
  7. If you're not a member of a physical UU congregation, or even if you've never heard of UU before, that's fine!  If this group sounds like it could be a match, join! 
    To join, you need to Be “a UU or UU-curious Young Adult (appearing 18 to 30s) in the area OR a supporter”,
    but you do NOT need to be a member of a physical UU congregation
    --join a physical UU congregation only when you are ready, and when you found one you like!”

-- 4 quotes from the UUYA! International site: http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info/2009/10/krl2tu.html;

and see also (About page of UUYA! of Orange County,CA,US)KRL9T3 aka http://Meetup.com/UUYA-US-CA-OC/about, as this quote:

SO, ARE YOU A YOUNG ADULT in Orange County seeing some sense in UU thinking?
Then JOIN US NOW! —you can signup using your Facebook login
(And heads-up: When joining and on your group profile,
SELECT “Email me when this Meetup Group's message board is updated”
else you won't be alerted when someone speaks to the group.)

ORANGE COUNTY UU LEADERS, please assist in making this new group & organization a success.” --see special msg for you at end of About page.

--above is the description of the Meetup group Unitarian Universalist YOUNG ADULTS! of Orange County,CA,US (from a Writely source published on Meetup and (with Copyright & History) on LoveRules.Info)

PLEASE CONSTRUCTIVELY COMMENT ON THIS PAGE, ideally where all can see (on http://Meetup.com/UUYA-US-CA-OC/messages/boards/thread/7895790 else on http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info/2009/10/krlcej.html ) else click on the creator's profile DestinyArchitect then “Send email”.

  1. KVA16I:  Document Background & History

    1. KRLCEJ:  2009.10~ I DestinyArchitect “created & own this document”.

      1. L2MXTP:  Confidentiality & Copyright: This document is copyrighted & could be confidential; specifically the document's owner(s) require all having this document abide by LoveRules.Info ownership & access rights (on LoveRules.Info About) with no exceptions unless its owner(s) state otherwise below or here:” no exceptions now.
      2. KVA3T1:  Initially formed by: copying as directed” empty (created from scratch) to new Writely doc KRLCEJ http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dc6vsxdw_76vwxhd5sv.
      3. KVA3VQ:  Motive at creation:” as requested for what it is (the description field), to introduce & sell http://Meetup.com/UUYA-US-CA-OC .
      4. KVA3WV: Title at creation: desiring name”[Description of the group UUYA! of Orange County,CA,US KRLCEJ]; “renamed to” title[Description of the group UUYA! of Orange County,CA,US KRLCEJ].
      5. KVA579:  Initially Published-at URL:” http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info/2009/10/krlcej.html
    2. on the Meetup.com site, only ASCII text (no formatting) will be displayed (for instance, any bold above will disappear and ALL-CAPS will be needed for emphasis).
    3. L3K5S1:  renamed from[Description of the group UUYA! of Orange County,CA,US KRLCEJ] to[(Description of the group UUYA! of Orange County,CA,US)KRLCEJ]
    4. L5XEUA:  About 2010.03: every Meetup group site description is now HTML instead of plain ascii text. However links to http://www.Meetup.com/... have the href removed due to some bug so one has to manually restore each one after pasting in the text.
    5. L5XEY0:  I added History & Copyright started by copying Writely doc KUJWXV http://docs.google.com/Edit?docid=0AX07OJ9W4BnBZGM2dnN4ZHdfMjQ3Nzk2Mzd4ZmsRevision 1146 -2010.07.06pst0733”; this section is not to be published on Meetup to avoid clutter there.
    6. L5XI5S: Also renamed back to title[Description of the group UUYA! of Orange County,CA,US KRLCEJ]
    7. L5XI6D: Cleaned up text, factoring 2 items into q[KROOZH:  “Welcome message to new members”]; added “We're a proud follower & endorser of Universal Rules & Guidelines for Meetup.com L2PFGY!”; added our logo; added “ (why it's Private)”; after every JOIN, added “ —you can signup using your Facebook login”

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