About http://Meetup.com/AsianFriendster
—under-the-hood details for anyone curious, plus a must-read for all organizers including event hosts
Contents —Read for a quick full-picture of what's here
- L8I7WD:First see our home page including “read more about this group”
- Our rules
- As our home page group description reads, “We're a proud follower & endorser of Universal Rules & Guidelines for Meetup.com L2PFGY! –a free eBook which includes a great into to Meetup”;
- any additions/exceptions follow:
- L8IT38:members needs come first, leaders needs come second:
- L8R8XH: Use our Message Board, not our Mailing List (which is now turned off, only lists past messages).
- L92E9T: I Head Organizer DestinyArchitect manually maintain versioned backup of every group page I change
- L8IRS7: Relevant group history
- L8RTQU: past events
- Top & bottom events thru present 2010.09.10 (by decreasing "do again" % then attendance)
- L8RTSK: Key group leaders (past thru present 2010.09.23)
- L8SWCC: A brief summary of the group's past
- L8IRSH: In 2008.09.29- first 1.5 two years: great name, some early good events, and an impressive looking collection of 232 members, but then burnout with no RSVPs & attendance:
- L8IRU4: Then on 2010.05.13 I 1yr-member DestinyArchitect stepped-up as Head Organizer and since given-it-my-all to resuscitate our group back to life!
- L8R91X: Other similar groups (local Asian) and how much we recommend each (based on their welcoming vs. excluding others supportive):
- L8RUXW: The problem in recommending other local Asian groups is a number are "segregationist".
- L8R9Q0: Comparison table (from most to least recommended):
- “KVA16I: Document Background & History”
L8I7WD:First see our home page including “read more about this group”
Our rules
As our home page group description reads, “We're a proud follower & endorser of Universal Rules & Guidelines for Meetup.com L2PFGY! –a free eBook which includes a great into to Meetup”;
any additions/exceptions follow:
L8IT38:members needs come first, leaders needs come second:
- L8R8M3:Our main goal will be on making members happy & friends, not using members to make the leaders money (by leaders for expensive events or to buy into business "opportunities") or to get the leaders dates & "the girl of their dreams".
- L8ITBN: --unlike what seemed to happen in the later rule of our founding organizers (no longer in charge),
- L8ITD6: Expensive events must be minimized, most especially if the leaders will be getting any significant money out of it.
- L8ITED: Anyone wanting to promote business opportunities (such as network marketing), especially if they have something significant to gain from it, must host at least 2 successful low-pressure pure social/fun events (not even mentioning these other things) for every (and before every) event they host where they try to get members to put down any money.
- L8ITOO: This is (now) primarily a social group, not a business opportunity group, so activities & leaders need to respect that.
- L8ITQN: Fast business opportunities, especially network marketing, overall have a deserved reputation of being pushy & often scams or (illegal) pyramid schemes and have seemingly burnt out our members in the past; consequently:
- L8ITUF: they must be checked out and approved in advance by the head organizer before they can be officially mentioned by the group.
- L8ITW1: Even mentioning them to an average member should should only be done AFTER the member has met else seen the speaker at a couple of events and has started to build a friendship & trust.
L8R8XH: Use our Message Board, not our Mailing List (which is now turned off, only lists past messages).
- L4TONO: 2010.06.30pst0319: I Head Organizer DestinyArchitect have turned off the Mailing list feature as the Message Board is generally better and Mailing List off allows sender privacy (email address not exposed) in group emails; our Mailing List archive is still available for reading.
- L96UCW: AsianFriendster has Meetup.com automatically archive all email to members on our discussion boards where you can post & share constructive comments regarding it.
- L97SMP: This is done via Organizers, when emailing out,
- L97SNK:always selecting “Also post message on this Meetup Group's message board” when emailing members.
- ending the email with the paragraph “Aside: for your convenience, this & all AsianFriendster email is archived on our discussion boards where you also post constructive comments on it.” (first real example)
L92E9T: I Head Organizer DestinyArchitect manually maintain versioned backup of every group page I change
- L92EHV: --in case something important is deleted.
- L92EDC:--since, unlike say Wikipedia (MediaWiki), Meetup.com makes it terribly easy to mistakenly permanently delete stuff (it happens all the time, as Universal Rules & Guidelines for Meetup.com L2PFGY details)
- L92EIJ: Making constant backups of at least anything I enter & change is painfully slow & complicated (everything on Meetup takes me about 2x longer) because Meetup tragically still doesn't have this key feature (to keep backups of itself) despite many users requesting it.
- L92EK5: But the good news is (and why I'm telling you) should you need some content here that got deleted, I MIGHT be able to get it back for you.
L8IRS7: Relevant group history
L8RTQU: past events
Top & bottom events thru present 2010.09.10 (by decreasing "do again" % then attendance)
Note the Meetup "attended" count
is only a hint of how good an event is; it is sometimes misleading due to (a last minute event announcement; or a count inflated by the event hosts/organizers possibly by by unintentionally including people not coming from this group (say if advertising another event)).
For us AsianFriendster,
>=5 attended is generally a successful (top) event for us so I've included all of them here.
<=1 attended is an unsuccessful event for us and I (will) include some of them here to show what NOT to do.L8RTSK: Key group leaders (past thru present 2010.09.23)
name & city Location Meetup mbr when; # of grps member dates leadership title & dates (sorted by increasing date) RSVPs Events hosted L92Z5N:
LongCali (Vietnamese)Westminster, CA USA 2008.09
.27-; 32008.09 .29|29- 2008.09.29-~2009.11.10: Founder & Head Organizer (by join date & other indicators); CSUN student?; He's medium-height, thin, handsome. As can be seen, he hosted more events than anyone (27). Since ~2009, he's been very much into & pushing network marketing. 34 27.0=1+.5
1st 2008.10.08Porter Ranch, CA USA (Hometown: westminter) 2008.09
.30-; 32008.09 .30|29- 2009.09.28-~2009.11.10: 1st Member (by join date). Says & seems he's really LongCali (including note identical photo); said he created this profile to see the member's view of the emails sent out from the group. I've encouraged him only use the LongCali profile to avoid confusion and take the credit (for group founding & event hosting) which is under LongCali. 12 0 Roy Tran (Vietnamese) Garden Grove, CA USA 2008.10
.27-; 12008.10 .30|30 (~33rd mbr)- 2009.06.26-~2009.(11.10|10.09): Assistant Organizer; Roy Tran is a regular in-person friend of LongCali from at least 2008.10.30(join date) to 2010.09.15 (another example). He's quite tall, thin, & handsome. He is also a singer. 16 12=1+1
+2+1+.5+1L92Z7O: all above 2010.04.31~ abandoned leading group DestinyArchitect (white) Laguna Hills,
CA USA (south OC)2004.11
.26 (~259th mbr)-2010.05.13(pledge & small bio link)-present: Head Organizer 19 9.0 Jay ("filipino/italian/spanish") Costa Mesa, CA USA 2010.06
.27-; 32010.06
.27-2010.07.03(pledge)-present: Event Organizer
(really, great event idea person)2 1.0=.5+.5 Jun Tamoro (“Chinese+ Japanese+ Spanish+ (I recall)Italian+ (I suppose)Filipino”) “Irvine(+Pasadena 1day/wk)” USA 2009.07
.02-2010.09.16(pledge & bio)-present: Event Organizer
-also a REBOS promoter & higher so many of REBOS events are listed on AsianFriendster (2010/2nd Tokyo Style: Girls Gone Bad! (how I found him), Shark Fridays by One Entertainment, and Sutra ft Mr White, Groove Monsters and much more!!!) and members generally get into these for free (instead of $10 or $20) and sometimes with VIP service.7 1.0=.5+.5 LARLGS: Shawn Moon (Korean) Laguna Hills, CA USA 2010.10.02;1 2010.10.02- 2010.10.06-next as Event Organizer;
2010.10.08- as Assistant Organizer.16 as of 2010 .10.23 several L8SWCC: A brief summary of the group's past
L8IRSH: In 2008.09.29- first 1.5 two years: great name, some early good events, and an impressive looking collection of 232 members, but then burnout with no RSVPs & attendance:
- L8S3DY: 2 or 3 local Asian guys founded the group (see above) and this is what they did:
- http://www.meetup.com/AsianFriendster/photos/472479/6134091/L8IRSP:They did an amazing job in coming up with a clever name "Asianfriendster" (which I've renamed "AsianFriendster") and gathering here about 232 local Asians & friends (always open to non-Asians), mostly 20s & 30s including many good looking guys & gals - a very impressive collection of people, especially on Meetup.com (where young adults and sometimes non-whites are often in short supply).\
- And they hosted some good events (see above); indeed I read about some of these good events and decided to join!
- L8IRSW: However right about the time I arrived 2009.07.26 they eventually began hosting events which which seemingly lost the interest of all the fine members they gathered!
- L8IRZ4: When I arrived while the membership roster showed 232 fairly attractive mostly Asian 20s & 30s, the rest was a disaster:
- L8ISAW: there were 0 RSVPs for any of the events for months (very serious), then no events for months, and
- L8ISBJ: no logo (a blank hole where the picture should go), the name/slogan was "Asianfriendster: Make new friends with Asian" was not even correct English (should be "Asians"), and
- L8ISPF: and most frightening of all the Home page description and About pages were a schizophrenic mess (just incoherent hodge-podge of paragraphs on various topics, from Asian dating to raise money for the destitute in Vietnam to mental health studies of depression of Vietnamese college students, some in English and other randomly in Vietnamese (which I used http://Translate.Google.com to translate), as if the founders had used these pages as a causal clipboard of random topics of interest, and left it this way for nearly a year (since September 8, 2009 3:21 PM)) --rather frightening for a group which was to lead 232 people.
- L8ISPZ: But, like an archeologist's dig of the aftermath of a suicide bomber, I tried to make sense of the wreckage;
- L8IRT3: It seems they first tried to make AsianFriendster an Asian dating site. "Join for free and browse the hundred of personals listed on the website. Asian singles can find their true love or simply make friends. ...find the Asian Woman of your dreams!" Well Meetup is only partially suited for that; still Meetup has some big Singles groups. But then for some reason they seemingly abandoned that and
- L8IRTA: They did something much worse: on a now social group they hosted events which instead seemed to be more about pushing people into business opportunities (as network marketing schemes) or were rather costly & for some unknown thing (including essentially "pay $15 to hear me sing") --in 2009.07.26 I joined as an ordinary member and saw some of this.
- L8IRTH: And they never really defined their focus.
- L8IRTP: So (no surprisingly) typically no one RSVPed and so in 2010 April they abandoned the group.
L8IRU4: Then on 2010.05.13 I 1yr-member DestinyArchitect stepped-up as Head Organizer and since given-it-my-all to resuscitate our group back to life!
- L8IRU9: On 2010.05.13 I saw this group of "232 Asian Friendster and Students" was scheduled to be deleted!, --and in only a matter of hours, with "-0 days left"-- which would mean all the 20 months of work that went into organizing this would be lost forever; and which would mean it's impressive membership roster, 232 people, mostly 20s & 30s local vibrant Asians of Orange County, who each individually joined, would also be lost & disbanded forever.
- L8IRUE: So I acted; I stepped up as Head Organizer, not willing to let such a potentially good thing go to waste. And even though I'm not Asian (at least by skin color --though I do have my mother cooking Phở now, and it's pretty darn competitive), so if you read my intro on my group profile (just as accurate as it was 10 months ago when I first joined the group), you'll see another reason why, even as a zany white guy, I stepped up to the plate, and would care not let a good local Asian group bite the dust --no, not at all.
- L8IRUO: And I want to thank everyone for being a member and staying a member.
- L8IRUQ: And I hope to improve things around here. And make this group something you're really proud to be a part of!
- And hope others will step up to help me as Assistant Organizers (could it be you?), to bring more good ideas, events, and guidance, and insure the threat of deletion won't be happening again.
- L8IRWS: Just watch as slowly little changes are being made around here bit-by-bit. :-)
- L8IRW8: This group is all about you! So send in your ideas, post your thoughts on the Ideas page and your thinking on the Discussion Board else message me direct saying what you want this group to be and do! What would you do if you had 232 friends ready to have fun? Speak up now!
- L8IRX1: Let's have some good-spirited partying fun! Looking forward to your thoughts. Some further details.
- L8IRXL: Yours, -Destiny
Meetup member since 2004.11.20 and a Meetup group founder & organizer since 2009.10.13 (founded UUYA! -of OC & -International L8R91X: Other similar groups (local Asian) and how much we recommend each (based on their welcoming vs. excluding others supportive):
L8RUXW: The problem in recommending other local Asian groups is a number are "segregationist".
- L8RV6T: Only some Asian group welcome non-Asians; instead just tolerate non-Asians or really just exclude non-Asians from the start: and that is potentially seriously bad. For, as white guy, would I join a group that that only allowed whites? (And I can think of some: Klu Klux Klan, skin heads, Neo-Nazis) --hell, no, I would never join such racist groups! Therefore any self-respecting Asian (or any person) should seriously think twice about joining some other racist groups (which DON'T welcome other races)!
- L8RVAE: Also some Asian groups (indeed groups of all sorts) even today needlessly segregate in other ways --see Questionable specialization L8RF3G-- and one needs to be wary of any unnecessary segregation.
- L8S2Q1: In general, even if you qualify, think twice (at least twice) about joining any group which excludes supportive people, being racist, sexist, nationalist, numerical ageist, or other -ist.
- L8S30X: Ideally because you want to very limited in endorsing anything which needlessly hurts people; but
- L8S312: at the very least selfishly because "First the came for... and I did not speak out ... and I did not speak out ..and there was no left to speak out for me." (see the famous quote pictured on the right)
L8R9Q0: Comparison table (from most to least recommended):
L8RA1A: Recommended (1st based on welcoming of others outside their focus group): L8R9YV: Name: L8RCIF: Member count (on Meetup et al): L8R9Z5: Region Served: L8R9ZF: Asian Nationalities/Ethnicities covered (by the American meaning of "Asian" geographically): L8R9ZT: Non-Asians are... (welcomed, tolerated, excluded): L8RATU:
Non-Asian percent of Active mbrs (typically of last 40 visiting site):Recommended?
only a fewL8RBI9:the ~11 Asian Meetup groups in Orange Co. (16 miles of Tustin 92789)+1mile, plus LA's (Lucky13 & KoreanLA.Org) & non-Meetup APEX, are all listed below
(there's 5.5x more Asian Meetup groups around OC to most of LA Co. (to Sherman Oaks)=50 mile radius -- too many for me to review here!)93 to 10,000 Orange County (16 mi radius) plus 1 extra mile radius Asian BEWARE: only a few (listed below) actually welcome non-Asians, the rest just tolerate them or simply exclude them exclude them. NOT welcome (just tolerated or simply excluded from the start) 0 to ~38%;
<~12% seems to suggests group is not really a home for non-Asians.Recommended? YES! (and by experience) L8R9SR: Meetup.com /AsianFriendster (us)
274 on 20100914 "mostly Orange County else neighboring counties (Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County, & San Diego County)" "0.0 miles away in Tustin, CA" Full: "both Asian in skin & Asian in spirit" & "the American meaning of "Asian" geographically"; "mostly... Asians in their 20s & 30s" welcomed & by design (in writing & by experience) ~18%=7/40 ;
and currently includes a leader who (by skin) is non-AsianRecommended? YES! (and by experience);
excluding (-ist) wording "for x" sometimes occurs but I don't believe is intended.L8R9YO: Meetup.com
/LA-Fun & LAFun.Org
289 on 20100914 (+ "5,000" on LAFun.Org + more on Facebook) seems Los Angeles County else sometimes Orange County "" in Los Angeles and Orange County " "friendly Asian Professionals who enjoy exploring upscale venues around Los Angeles [and Orange County]" --Questionable specialization L8RF3G ("professionals") however from my experience I'm fairly confident the group would welcome professionally-acting adults, too; "mid-twenties to mid-fourties" welcomed (by experience); they even have at least 1 non-Asian (white) leader and some interracial dating. LAFun.Org group description doesn't even mention Asian anywhere, implied only by photos; though Meetup.com/LA-Fun says "for friendly Asian Professionals"; but by experience and other wording, it's more open than just Asians. ~13%=5/40 Recommended? YES! (and by experience) L8RADB:KoreanLA.Org: The Los Angeles Korean Language & Culture Club including on Meetup 559 on 20100914 (+ more on other sites) seems Los Angeles County else sometimes Orange County
; "36.7 miles away in Los Angeles, CA"Korean welcomed (by experience & implied in writing ("We ask only two things from you to join the group: \(1) You are interested in Korean language and culture " (no mention of being Korean)) ~18%=7/40 Recommended? YES! it appears L8RGWZ: Orange County Japanese Meetup
93 on 20100914 "Orange County"; "10.2 miles away in Anaheim, CA" Japanese: "Japan, the history, culture and language (of all levels)" nothing in writing seems excluding and suggests including. ~38%=~15/40
-surprisingly high!Recommended? YES! it appears; numerical ageist but would probably correct if knew how. L8RPQP:Meetup.com
202 on 20100914 "in Southern California, including Los Angeles and Orange County"; centered in "Los Angeles, CA " "32.3 miles away" Doesn't specifically mention Asian though "Asian Professionals" is one of the interests. "EVERYONE, between the 20-40s age range, is welcome." In writing "EVERYONE [of any race] is welcome. ...most of our organizers happen to be Asian, but having fun and making new friends is universal :). We'd like Lucky 13 to be a big melting pot of friends"; in experience? ? - private group; can't see. Recommended? YES from what's visible. L8RFOZ:OC Sushi & Asian Food Meetup
539 on 20100914 Orange County; "3.9 miles away in Orange, CA" "Asian Food and Sushi Addicts" Nothing in writing seems excluding but suggests including. ? - private group; can't see. Recommended? Seeming YES from what's visible L8RGHR: OC / LA Barkadas
202 on 20100914 "in OC and LA"; "6.7 miles away in Irvine, CA" "young Pinoy and Pinay's" Nothing in writing seems excluding but suggests probably including. ? - private group; can't see. Recommended? Low YES L8RJLB: The Asian Riders Club
territory unstated;
"16 miles away in Cerritos, CA ""Asian riders [of motorcycles]" --Questionable specialization L8RF3G Welcoming in writing. About page says "Ever since [it was founded], ...it has been reaching out to not only Asians but also any human race. ...consisting of riders of all ages, skill level, and ethnic backgrounds"; in experience? ? - private group; can't see. Recommended? MAYBE; see my 2 notes; sexist. L8S429: Meetup.com/Asian-Women-of-Orange-County 133 on 20100914 "8.5 miles away in Irvine, CA" "for women only"; "women of Asian ethnicity" --Questionable specialization L8RF3G "for women only"; welcomed (in writing "primarily geared towards women of Asian ethnicity, it's open to any woman interested in making new friends from various cultures"; but personal experience) ? - private group; can't see. Recommended? NO mildly; avoids any -ists (except in the name) but I suspect still has the mindset L8RHZD: Young Generation Asian Professionals (YGAP) 209 on 20100914 I think it covers Los Angeles County and Orange County; "16 miles away in Cerritos, CA" "Young ... Asian Professionals" --Questionable specialization L8RF3G writing seems careful not to exclude non-Asians but also doesn't mention them: "where diverse professionals can come together ...with ...appreciation for Asian heritage. ...dedicated to enrichment of young professionals through ...promotion of Asian cultural awareness" however (by oversight?) Meetup members termed "Asian Professionals". ~7%=4/60 Recommended? NO pretty much; nationalist & racist though would probably make "exceptions" to avoid trouble. L8RJS0:Asian Professional Exchange (APEX.Org) "10,000" on 20100914 "in Southern California" "Asian Pacific Americans in Southern California who have a strong commitment to excellence in professional development, community service and cultural awareness." --Questionable specialization L8RF3G ("American"); in my experience (~1999) most members are Chinese but that is the largest Asian group. writing seems to exclude others; "for Asian Pacific Americans"; In my experience (in ~1999 at ~4 of their events), organizers said they welcome & encourage non-Asians but all members seemed just tolerating & unhappy with it. Premium membership app lists all ethnicities and non-Asians I doubt would be refused (to avoid legal battles given the org's size) but I doubt they would also be supported by general members. 11%=~2/18 from album (membership list is private) Recommended? NO fairly strongly unless I hear otherwise; though a very active group, sadly their website writing & membership photos are clearly racist & nationalist & numerical ageist, seemingly allowing no others others outside this focus. L8S54N: Entourage Asian American Professionals Social Club aka LAAsians.com 731 on 20100914 "all over Southern California"; "9.8 miles away in Westminster, CA" "for Asian American Professionals 20's & 30's" --Questionable specialization L8RF3G Not welcomed at least in writing ("for Asian American Professionals 20's & 30's"); in experience: 1 of 260 (see right) .4% (1 of 260):
our white member Sandra is a member and got a Greet“Welcome! You will be our honorary non-asian member! :))”
-hmm.; on 20100914 it was a private group.Recommended? NO strongly (explicitly excludes all non-Asians); racist. L8RCSE: Orange County Asian Professionals OCAP 614 on 20100914 Orange County; "4.4 miles away in Irvine, CA" "local Asian Professionals" -- (mild) Questionable specialization L8RF3G Excluded in writing; membership q "In order to join, you must be Asian. Please indicate what ethnicity you are."; also from home page "Meet with other local Asian Professionals". In experience? - hard to imagine otherwise. ~0%=0/40 Recommended? NO strongly (also excludes foreign-born); racist & nationalist. L8RDFU: Dinner for 8 - Asian American Professionals in OC 557 on 20100914 "in Orange County"; "6.2 miles away in Irvine, CA" "Asian American Professionals" --Questionable specialization L8RF3G Not invited in writing ("Calling all Asian American Professionals in Orange County.") ~0%=0/40 Recommended? NO strongly & from experience; racist & nationalist. L8REI7: Social Network of Asian American Professionals (SNAAP) 337 on 20100914 "Orange County, Los Angeles and San Diego" "3.9 miles away in Irvine, CA" " Asian American Professionals" --Questionable specialization L8RF3G After months of wait, I was personally declined membership (being white) despite my enthusiastic plea & notable Asian background. Description says: "for Asian American Professionals."; membership roster bears this out. ~0%=0/40 - L8RF3G:Questionable specialization L8RF3G: Some groups have specialization which is questionable. Whenever we specialize a group of people, we segregate them -- and most everyone today understands that segregation of people can be quite bad, so we really have to ask if the specialization/segregation is really logically entailed. From the least to most questionable:
- L8RF4X: "Professionals" -- so some nice person working at McDonald's or working on an assembly line would be excluded? This sounds a bit snobbish/classist, so while one could say the group includes professionals, to say it's for professionals just seems going a bit too far.
- L8RFKK: simple "20s & 30s": so what happens when you're 19 --you were out, then you're suddenly in; or when you turn 40--you were in, now you're suddenly out! And for more, see Mere numerical age criteria hurts; we can do better L8RWP2. In this case, this can be more inclusively worded as say "20s/30s appearing/thinking" --as is best done in the definition of "Young Adult": used by UU* YOUNG ADULTS! of OC.
- L8RJC7:"Asian riders [of motorcycles]" -- what does being Asian have to do with motorcycle writing? No, the group is not talking about Asian bikes, it's talking about being Asian! I see no connection. Yes I suppose there are motorcycle gangs of particular races (as aren't Hell's Angeles white?), but does that mean we need more racist gangs? Now fortunately The Asian Riders Club say they welcome other races, but still, why the need to be Asian in the first place, if the commonality is motorcycle riding? Fortunately, though, since it seems obviously a bit quirky, I don't think it would do too much damage as people then won't take it that seriously, plus the the fact that The Asian Riders Club is willing to forgo the quirky part (being Asian) and just concentrate on motorcycle riding.
- L8RF74: "women of Asian ethnicity"; Sure, I especially love Asian women, but (as a male), also I'm excluded (at least in Meetup.com/Asian-Women-of-Orange-County), so is this really a great idea? While I definitely can see the point of a women's group, and a point in in Asian group (after all, I run one), and a point in someone being in both, an "Asian women" group seems possibly a bit to focused: what is something that Asian women have that doesn't also apply to other women or to other Asians? Do Asian women have particular health issues? None I can think of. Yes there is the idea that Asian women are submissive, but (from plenty of first hand experience), that's BS. Yes Asian women (and Asians in general) would probably not be in the market for hair darkening products and MAY be slightly more interested in breast enlargement products, but this sort of stuff would seem hardly worth forming a social group over; and such a social group could lead its members (and perhaps onlookers) to think Asian women are, say, fundamentally different from other women being Asian, when they really aren't: women and men are wired with some big differences, but racial differences are not much deeper than than the skin itself: every personality in every race. Now fortunately Meetup.com/Asian-Women-of-Orange-County says they do welcome other races, which is good, but of women only, not men: now if they were open in both ways I'd still have a little doubt, but I'd be okay: but since they take this questionable combo AND are sexist, I start having some notable doubt.
- L8RFAL: "Asian American" - why limit it to American, too? So if you're foreign-born, you're not welcome! That's not cool. And then how are foreign-born (who want to get Americanized) going to get Americanized? And how are the Asians-Americans (who are still in love with their skin color else they wouldn't form a group around it) going to learn of the background and heritage of that skin color if foreign born? Rather I would suspect that the commonality of this group is instead just 2nd generation Asians (they were raised in America but their parents were immigrants) who all have the commonality that their Joy Luck Club parents nagged at them to be traditional Asians while hypocritically raising their kids in America, causing the kids to grow up confused: they can't hang with other Americans else they wouldn't be really respecting their parents, and they can't hang with their parent-types as they didn't grow up that way (grew up in American) and probably don't even speak their parent's language: resulting in that they can't hang out with anyone but each other! Fortunately their kids (3nd & 4th generation) dismiss this nonsense. At least back in ~1999, my guess is that APEX.Org typifies this condition maximally (at least for 2nd generation Chinese) and there plenty of other "2nd generation" groups as well (though they don't generally notice that 3rd & 4th generation loose interest). But this is seriously messed up; and IMHO the best thing for someone in this condition (2nd generation of ethnicity X thinks it can only hang out with 2nd generation of ethnicity X, especially when X is an Asian ethnicity) is to undo that bad idea of their parents (that they can't hang out with other Americans) and instead learn to chill out and to hang out with everybody.
- L8RZYO: As a concluding point on Questionable specialization L8RF3G, it's often debatable: is a specialization good or not. But a seeming wise move for every group is NOT exclude anyone unless it's absolutely necessary. For instance, Meetup.com/AsianFriendster does this; while it's "mostly Orange & LA-County Asians in their 20s & 30s" it's still "Open to all races", indeed open to potentially everybody, possibly even children, too (though that would require at minimum clear notification to all that the person was a minor to avoid risk of violating adult/minor laws & morals); UU* YOUNG ADULTS! of OC similarly includes everyone while not loosing focus (for instance, consisting of "28 UU* Young Adults & Supporters"). By working out to have a group be open to everyone without loosing focus, you insure the group isn't racist, sexist, ageist, nationalist, etc, and helps maintain healthy perspective & balance with the rest of the world by having members from the rest of the world. One can say then the group is most inclusive & loving.
“KVA16I: Document Background & History”
L8CW3L: 2010.09.06pst1955 I DestinyArchitect “created & own this document”.
- “L2MXTP:Confidentiality & Copyright: This document is copyrighted & could be confidential; specifically the document's owner(s) require all having this document abide by LoveRules.Info ownership & access rights (on LoveRules.Info About) with no exceptions unless its owner(s) state otherwise below or here:” no exceptions now.
- “KVA3T1:Initially formed by: copying as directed” Writely doc KUJWXV http://docs.google.com/Edit?docid=0AX07OJ9W4BnBZGM2dnN4ZHdfMjQ3Nzk2Mzd4Zms “Revision 1238 -2010.08.07pst1118 (~99% complete 5th version)” to new Writely doc L8CW3L https://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dc6vsxdw_339f5tckvc6.
- “KVA3VQ:Motive at creation:” to hold the main content of http://Meetup.com/AsianFriendster/about because composing anything significant in WYSIWYG-less BBCode is a nightmare (plus can't have tables), plus there the author can't diff history, and we can't have embedded ads.
- “KVA3WV:Title at creation: desiring name”[About http://Meetup.com/AsianFriendster]; “renamed to” title[About http://Meetup.com/AsianFriendster L8CWD9] note this uses new titling # of content, not document.
- “KVA579:Initially Published-at URL:” http://blogger.LoveRules.Info/2010/09/l8cw3l.html.
- L8I7G8:Prior versions can be found at http://meetup.com/AsianFriendster/pages/About_this_Meetup/history
- L8I7NB: Moved content from http://www.meetup.com/AsianFriendster/about to Writely doc L8CW3L here
- L8I7IW: Included a section "L8I7DY:BBCode source (of Body)" for the archive record (will delete it as things moving here to HTML).
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