L5TJXG: Hover/mouse-over: Use of this site —by DestinyArchitect

  1. L5U1B1: WELCOME! ☺  This site promotes & pioneers Social-technology™ based on science & love (Rules for Love so Love Rules™ and Humans, Play-God wisely™). This site is for anyone caring about romance, friends, love, family, community, getting along, playing & working together, social & work relations & relationships, values/morals/ethics/religion, and social issues between life-forms and especially between us humans! In fact, per "What's life worth without others to truly share it with?", this site encourages us to take our social aspects (indeed our Social-technology™) more seriously than we take our ever-dominating technical-technology! This site is “created & owned & copyright © by DestinyArchitect with all rights reserved, including no copying & no printing unless noted, except: • the latest version is available for free for public reading & comment at any time” at http://LoveRules.Info.
  2. L5N5LD: What are these codes such as “L5N5LD” on (the right-top of) this paragraph? They are my invention, part of next-generation Wikipedia I'm architecting. Each is an ID to uniquely & permanently name, point-to, link-to, find, and timestamp most anything:
    1. L5TM6L: Each gives a unique & permanent ID to most-every paragraph, section, & document. And many are also an HTML-anchor to the item (to the start of that item within the web page it's on); for instance, the URL ending with “#L5TM6L” (click it!) sends you this paragraph.
      L6SVUW: How to find an ID, say if a link containing an ID is broken: Find the ID (it could be in the name of the reference/link as “L5TM6L: ...”, or in the URL bookmark as “...#L5TM6L”, or in the URL filename as “.../l5tm6l.html...”) then just search for it (in these cases, search for “L5TM6L”): if you know it's a place is within the present web page, use your web browser's find (Ctrl-F); otherwise use say Google Search (yes, you can find the item even if it has been renamed and/or moved to another website!).
    2. L5TM9Q: Each is also a timestamp, encoding the date & time of the ID's creation which typically tells when its item was first spoken/written/created: I will be publishing a decoder.

GPS dating apps: Why, Comparing, & some Reviews LBMWUP

LBMWUP: Revision 450 -2010.11.09pst2019 (~80% complete 1st version):
Comparison of GPS dating apps with review of some
Contents —Read for a quick full-picture of what's here
  1. LBMT8U: Intro & Why Likely Important

    1. LBMT9O:Dating is a frustrating experience for myself and probably most people who aren't super lucky. It seems this is because we've replaced traditional arranged marriage & matchmakers with do-it-yourself with 0 experience and all sorts of new expectations (great sex, great love, women's rights and not clear who does the house & who does the job, and several other complexities. And with all the modern communication methods, how to meet rapidly changes (from phone, to email, to dating websites, to SMS, to Facebook, and more). 
    2. LBNGBK: And now it occurs to me that GPS socializing & dating apps may be the way to go.
      1. LBNGAP: Why I think so?  Hopefully instead of being about remotely talking (by explosion of methods to do so), they are about actually meeting, especially since the apps make it easy to find & meet people nearby right now, so hopefully these people will actually be thinking of doing so.  So then hopefully we'll get back to genetic animal basics: we will meet & talk in-person with people nearby (indeed maybe even our neighbors, God forbid!), as we did BEFORE we had electronic communications and even pmail 99% of human existence:
      2. LBNGBU: Aside: Why does blogger & PhD sociologist candidate Graamsoc think so? (Found because he seems to have the top graphic on Google Image Search[GPS dating]http://grahamsoc.wordpress.com/2010/08/22/gps-dating-finally-something-that-works writes " the reason why these apps will work so effectively is because they take us back to the 19th century." - I agree (see my further details above). However,
        1. LBNGL8: in his explanation for why this is important, I disagree that's the core cause. He concludes "This is why I think GPS dating will be so effective.  In cities today, there are at least two obstacles blocking romantic fulfillment: (1)  it is hard to find someone who shares the same lifestyle as you do, and (2) it is hard to tell when someone is telling the truth about their lifestyle or just posing.  Apps like Skout, Streetspark, and Grindr will become the most effective means of matchmaking for young city dwellers because they overcome these two obstacles." I disagree. #1 is well addressed by various matching software (even before this). And #2 is somewhat improved by this (if the people meet in person soon to verify), but I think the fear of posers is MUCH greater than the reality. Moreover, we've gotten way too comfortable talking via our devices instead of via face-to-face.
        2. LBNGLE: I think the key component will be as I wrote above "Hopefully instead of being about remotely talking (by explosion of methods to do so), they are about actually meeting".
          1. LBNHOB: This is healthy, what we did for 99% of human existence.
          2. LBNHON: Plus in this vein, GPS dating puts a considerable more emphasis on being nearby, which is likely a lot more important than one believes. With most everyone having a car plus being able to talk instantly with some on the other side of the globe, plus get there sometimes in a mere 1/2 a day, we are too quick to believe all this is a real substitute for being nearby (just a few minutes away or in the same house) which is so key to real daily relationships. CNN's article "With new GPS dating apps, it's love the one you're near" seems to pick up on this as you would guess by the title.
          3. LBNHS5: Moreover as I wrote "especially since the apps make it easy to find & meet people nearby right now, so hopefully these people will actually be thinking of doing so". Still there is work to do:
            1. LBNIAP: not all of the sites, even GPS sites, are focused on meeting: and especially with ad-based sites (most notoriously Facebook), there is a big/huge profit motive to keep your eyes plastered on a screen instead of on another real live person (well at least until advertisers can figure out how to put ads on people's live faces).
            2. LBNIB3: And of course the user base (all high tech with smartphones) are still of course (by the very situation) naturally but ironically first thinking even more about communicating remotely via a device which they are oh so in love with.
        3. LBNH1P:Blogger Graamsoc also begins "The Internet rarely changes anything – it only allows us to do the things we had been doing before the rise of the Internet better." -no, the Internet and our devices CAN make things MUCH worse (and I just suggest & believe it has in many ways).  Only when our tools instead get us back to focusing on face-to-face (and more of it instead of facing screens & devices), THEN it really has improved things. And I speak as an MIT geek who loves computers & gadgets & devices & majored in them!
    3. LBMTHJ: On that note, on 2010.10.07 I Google Search[GPS dating] and found to my surprise major TV stations (as CNN and as ABC) already talking about it. And that led me to a list of apps:
    4. LBMTRS: Comparison table (of every one I could find)

      LBMTVS:1st ref'd by 
      further details
      LBN90X: en.
      Who's charged how much LBMU12: 

      LBMU5R: Designed for audience
      LBMUKT: Downloads & rating (of 5 stars) from AndroidZoom.com
      Platforms LBMUL7: 
      LBN8VN: Non-phone web dating history
      LBNBTL:  additional
      on CNN
      User I think, not sure how
      straight dating, others?
      "10000-50000 downloads, 351 ratings (3 avg note)" says AZ
      smartphones including IPhone, Symbian & Android; others?

      on CNN
      Basic app is free, and seems no ads. Grindr X for iPhone/iPad $2.99 download may do a little more.
      Gay & bi men dating; Grindr.com says "coming soon for straight & lesbian" and has an email signup.
      NOT on Android but big: "Less than a year old and limited to gay men, Grindr already has 500,000 users." says NYT 2010.02.
      "for the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and compatible BlackBerry devices", NOT on Android, others?
      "Grindr enforces a strict 18+ age limit and a “no adult content” policy for public profiles." says site.
      LBNF7O: MaleForce.com
      Google Image search[GPS dating] chosen image.
       download free; seems to charge for chatting or something.
      gay men.
      "10000-50000 downloads, 228 ratings (2.88 avg note)" says AZ
      "works on iPhone, Android BlackBerry® and Smartphones" says site.
      "With over 15 successful years of running dating phone lines and websites, Virtual Universe Ltd are taking on GPS mobile gay dating giant Grindr" says review.

      LBMU4N: StreetSpark.com
      on CNN
      app download firee; seems totally free.
      "Mobile Dating (GPS)" says download but "We're not just for singles - anyone who wants to meet new people with things in common can use the network." says site
      Not on Android; 2 (of 5) stars with "971 Ratings" on iPhone.
      iPhone; seemingly not on any other phone; others?

      "We only show you a person if there's a reason for a match (we call this a 'Spark'). If you both 'Ignite' the spark, you will get to know more about each other. And decide whether you want to chat or meet up. But if you don't want to, you can 'Extinguish' the spark. And go on your way. It's as simple as that." says site.
      MiuMeet listing for Android
      User after profile created; not sure how.
      straight dating, others?
      "10000-50000 downloads, 58 ratings (2.66 avg note)" says AZ
      computers & smartphones.
      ~Top 5

      LBMUIM: MiuMeet.com
      by searching for Skout on my Android Marketplace
      Phone app only has Embedded ads (by adMob) which are no bother but probably don't earn MiuMeet much revenue; clicking on an ad seems to exit the app which is a small trouble.
      socializing for everyone
      ">250000 downloads, 7548 ratings (4.29 avg note)" says AZ
      seemingly all (web app): any computer web browser + esp. phones (Android, etc)

      LevelMatchCity.com "DATING (Meet singles)"
      Skout on AZ
      "For now it is totally free. So enjoy! \ LevelMatchCity is a free Android application, with no advertisement. We rely on your individual donations to pay for the servers and the development fees." says FAQ ; also seeming-free version can also be download for €2.00 .
      Dating; straight or homosexual NOT bi.
      "50000-250000 downloads, 8040 ratings (4.53 avg note)" says AZ
      on Android; ordinary computer; no others it seems as site says "for cell phones based on the Android OS."

      LBNEMI:   TurboIRC.com/peoplearound
      AndroidZoom search[GPS Dating]

      free seemingly totally.
      dating (straight & homosexual & bi)
      "1000-5000 downloads, 18 ratings (2.17 avg note)" says AZ
      on Android ; only
       "Android 1.5 (With Google Maps) and later"
      seems fairly primitive

  2. KVA16I: Document Background & History

    1. LBMSAL: 2010.11.09pst1049 I DestinyArchitect “created & own this document”.

      1. L2MXTP:Confidentiality & Copyright: This document is copyrighted & could be confidential; specifically the document's owner(s) require all having this document abide by LoveRules.Info ownership & access rights (on LoveRules.Info About) with no exceptions unless its owner(s) state otherwise below or here:” no exceptions now.
      2. KVA3T1:Initially formed by: copying as directedWritely doc KUJWXV http://docs.google.com/Edit?docid=0AX07OJ9W4BnBZGM2dnN4ZHdfMjQ3Nzk2Mzd4ZmsRevision 1238 -2010.08.07pst1118 (~99% complete 5th version)” to new Writely doc LBMSAL https://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dc6vsxdw_357ggb5kfgw.
      3. KVA3VQ:Motive at creation:” Start documenting (for comparison) GPS dating apps starting with this first one I've tried MiuMeet.com
      4. KVA3WV:Title at creation: desiring name”[on MiuMeet.com (popular GPS socializing app)]; “renamed to” title[on MiuMeet.com (popular GPS socializing app) LBMSBL].
      5. KVA579:Initially Published-at URL:” http://blogger.LoveRules.Info/2010/11/lbmsal.html.
    2. LBMWT6: decided to break into smaller chunks: keep this document as the comparison (since already started a comparison table here) and sub-documents for each review (copied this doc to create on MiuMeet.com (popular GPS socializing app) LBMSBL); renamed to title[comparsion & review of GPS dating apps LBMWUP].
    3. LBNILH: renamed to title[GPS dating apps: Why, Comparing, & some Reviews LBMWUP].

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