-2009.12.06, ~80% complete:
- .KUCV6I: The modern world routinely talks about "safe sex" and does heavily practice at least much of it (though I notice most porn videos still are lacking condom use), however, until say what I wrote below, other than say "use condoms and maybe spermicide" I have never seen "safe sex" defined in its full context, safe which is safe which is not just safe from disease and perhaps pregnancy but physically & emotionally to the partners plus all society, perhaps because that then gets into abortion, sex outside of marriage, and other controversal topics. But contoversy is my calling, so here's a proposal:
- KUCMQ5: Romance & sexual activity is can be fun & exciting (nature's best natural drug) but also routinely destroys lives by creating uncared for kids, disease, heartbreak, jealousy & exclusion that causes creatures to be bitter, fight, and sometimes even kill each other. Therefore the only sex which should be allowed is safe sex: sex within marriage-for-kids and either (no adultery nor other sex outside of marriage) else only safe sexual activity outside of marriage-for-kids.
- KUCMKU: Why only these two options for sex? Because they both insure sex will be safe: disease free and producing only children when appropriate.
- KUCMMQ: Sadly following this rule for sex is especially important for the female (especially human female) due to her biological differences and sometimes cultural, too, as
a human female is 3x more likely contract & be hurt by sexual
disease/infection (and most females would likely be the same, and
- KUCNI6: a female mammal is necessarily thousands of times more burdened & endangered by a preganacy, and
- KUCNJ5: should a person ever have sex with more than one partner (as it typically in the western world, even for women, apparently due to breeding by men, women so far have shown poor performance in managing multiple sexual partners.
- KUCTXI: Many if not most the world cultures (and many religions) still put, conciously else subconciously, high expectation that a good woman is only sexual with just on man/mate in her life, her husband/spouce, and perhaps especially also because her biological differences above, changing this is very hard.
- KUD9MU: Socially & physically safe sexual activity means:
- KUDA5L: Every participant:
- KUDA7A: is overall consenting
- KUDAA3: In the case of a mixed-message (a frequent problem with women), gestures & especially actions override words
- KUDAD1: either:
- KUDADI: has a valid license for sexual activity (under development) which he/she is has recently shown to the other participants, else
- KUDAEI: meets local age of consent laws (as is a legal adult) -- note the prior option (sex licenses) promises to be much better but is not yet developed
- .KUD9OA: No sexually transmitted infections/diseases are likely to spread because every person involved:
- KUD9PC: Has been checked for infection/disease proportionate to his/her likelyhood to contract one
- KUD9SN: For any diseases/infactions found, the infected person
- KUD9TI: Is taking the doctor-recommended steps to cure it
- KUD9UK: If still having sexual activity then is is doing it according to the doctor-directed limitations
- KUD9UX: Has informed all the other parties involved of his/her full situation above
- KUDA1U: When possible is taking all reasonable additional precautions (as condom plus spermicide backup whenever pregnancy is not the goal)
- KUCVUE: socially & physically safe sexual activity sex and in all other ways must be general & emotionally safed
- KUCU7V: requires it will not tangibly hurt long-term any other relationship (as marriage or even dating) as by:
- KUCVKY: bringing into it disease or pregnancy
- KUCVQ1: bringing out of it significant resources & legitimate dedication
- KUCVLT: violating an agreement of sexual exclusion violation can be avoided
- KUCKXX: a "marriage-for-kids" here means a union which is healthy for sex and especially raising the kids that result (as most notably most traditional marriages). Specifically it meets the following 6 criteria (and perhaps more):
- KUCLHO: It is a deep daily living together of two or more adults which is mostly peaceful & constructive.
- KUCL1G: It will last for at least the next 21 years (the reasonable minimum time to raise a child) ideally because statistics have shown it will
as statistics have shown for traditional marriages in India where 90%
of the marriages are arranged and only 5 to 7% end in divorce (ABC News' 20/20 "The Science of Seduction: Why Him, Why Her?" at 38 & 43 min into the 60 min show)
- KUCL4B: It has abundant extra resources so to finance raising the kids that result (as a dowry from traditional marriage).
- KUCLLF: It well teaches every kid it raises about the biology & especially thinking of both sexes and is run by the guidance from both sexes roughly equally.
- KUCO7V: Here I am specifically NOT excluding same-sex unions, but I'm requiring of all unions that that every child well learns & and is directed by both sexes.
- .KUCMEO: At the time of sex, the goal of all parties involved is having & raising kids
- KUCQNO: (in most traditional marriage, this was a given: kids were expectation of the elders making the marriage, plus the relatives & community, often why the marriage was made)
- KUCQZJ: Remember the idea of marriage which was not for kids (else for the few who were in power, getting & maintaining power), as a marriage just for love & companionship, is a fairly recent concept, only really appearing in about say the 1800s. So marriage-for-kids is really at the core of traditional marriage and still often today marriage itself. In fact I've heard a few experienced Americans (especially men) say "The only reason to get married is to have kids".
- KUD7VM: Whenever the union does NOT meet the criteria for raising new kids (as all those above), then the only sexual activity must be non-kid-producing sexual activity as described.
- KUCRJA: Safe sexual activity outside of marriage-for-kids
- KUCKND: adimantly requires it is sexual activity not resulting in kids nor disease.
- KUD8UH: Sexual activity not resulting in kids nor disease means sex insuring this no kids & disease because it demands (as ideally everyone is told up front):
- KUD8Y4: proper protection (from both) is used (as condom plus spermicide backup: "No glove, no love") and
- KUD8ZX: when that fails the mistakes are immediately rid (the disease is cured and the child is aborted) per the priority list, else
- KUD90F: if the avoidable problem is
- KUD924: raising an unprepared-for child, then the offender(s) gets sterilized (initially temporary) and (if)
- KUD92N: avoidable sexual disease spread, then the offender(s) are locked in a chastity belt preventing it (initially temporarily and until the disease is cured).
- KUD98P: Draconian as these solutions may currently seem, they are simply the most minimal "Incarcerations" necessary to protect other people & the public.
- KUCXJM: Ways to to deal with the 2 leading consequences of sex (pregnanacy & disease):
- KUD63E: From Most to Least Humane:
- KUCXU2: 1st (works & healthy): properly planning & supporting the preganancy:
- KUCWYX: kids from marriage-for-kids
- KUCWZV: properly planned & supported surrogate pregnancy
- KUCXUZ: 2nd (works & healthy): Stopping the preganancy:
- KUD33S: Note the seemingly the best option, condoms (stopping preganancy & disease) seems not be out of controversy and starting wide-spread-use until the 1930s,
so after bi-sexed creatures being around ~1 billion years where sex
unavoidably meant pregnanacy and/or disease, and the huge costs especially to females,
, even though we might mentally know that's not the case, it will still
take a least a few generations before we humans (especially women)
re-evolve to biologically understand this is no longer the case with sex.
- KUCX0G: contraceptives: Use 100% of the time.
- .
- KUD165: The best option I've found
- KUD3HL: is condoms plus spermicidal jelly inserts as a backup for whenever you think some semen got out or near the viginal.
- KUD3L8: Do proper condom use (optionally see Google Search[condome use]; probably not spermicidal condoms.
- KUD3SW: If there is any doubt/risk/concern of preganancy (as some semen may have got out or don't want to chance it) "application of separately packaged spermicide" recommended ; I use Ortho Options' Conceptrol (disposible vaginal inserts: plungers which insert in the vigina then squeeze to inject the spermicide). These can actually be refilled with Ortho Options' Gynol II (a tube of vaginal contraceptive jelly), saving money & resources, but be sure to keep track of which insert is used for which woman (as label with a marker) as most women get very upset if the insert of another woman is used on her.
- .KUD460: I have found this to work 100%:
I have used this for almost my entire sex life (with more partners than
I dare mention here) and (though my semcen have been shown furtile) I
have have never gotten any woman accidentally pregnant and never
contracted a sexually transmitted infection/disease, including sex with
3 women where I discovered they had an STI (chlamydia infection) and I had them get it corrected but still I never caught anything. This agrees with Condom effectiveness for perfect use as "The perfect use pregnancy rate of condoms is 2% per year.[42] Condoms may be combined with other forms of contraception (such as spermicide) for greater protection.[34]"
- KUCX16: sterilization (temporary or permanent),
- KUCXO6: including when necessary humane compulsory sterlization just as we do with our pets (and ideally temporary)
- KUCXXG: 3rd (getting borderline; don't do routinely): Humanely terminating the life form created as soon as possible: when unborn (via abortion) else euthanization of newborn
- KUCX58: While not obvious to many, this can be the most humane thing.
- KUD537: And the good news: humans would probably never let themselves get to this point (having to terminating a young life) if they would simply stop considering this next option as realistic:
- KUCX1S: 4th (getting crazy unrealistic): stopping sex (abstinence or even celebacy) for extended periods
- KUCXX1: rarely works, by what I've heard & seen
- KUD731: Which would be expected since (by definition of life) virtually every life form is coded with it's number 1 priority to reproduce, and for sexed creatures this means sex, consequently even if the creature can abstain, it's working against natural wiring for the last 1+ billion years of bi-sexed creatures).
- KUD6KR: and even routinely dangerous & destructive:
- The Catholic Church, which is also "the world's largest Christian church", would probably be the leading proponent of this solution to sex problem (abstinanece) but how hypocritically as as do not forget the Catholic Church sex abuse cases from it's priests (required to be celabate meaning to abstain from sex) so then sexually molesting minors as in the US making "financial settlements with the victims totaling over $1.5 billion as of March 2006" . So if lifelong priests can't do it (and instead do some terrible things), do you think it's realistic (or healthy) for the average person to?
- KUCVY2: 5th (easily inhumane; DON'T DO): Trying to raise a kid when the world wasn't ready for it (adoption or "keeping the baby" when not ready)
- KUCY80: Commonly done today as the prior options are impossible or SEEM too cruel.
--the least humane options IMHO and NOT be considered (not humane) as
as kids are too important to be unplanned & unprepared for: see common tragic consequences.
- KUD52N:
Indeed if this option (the world keeping a child when not already
prepared for it) was never an option we humans would work MUCH harder
the other options to avoid unprepared preganncy all together, which is
better for us all.
- KUD5FJ: Bottom line: A child should only be created & kept alive if everyone needed & responsible for supporting it (including society) is already willing & able to do so.
- KUD5IA: IMHO, this should be law (to avoid lives being hurt & destroyed from doing otherwise (& especially here).
- KUD4TM: If any doubt, don't allow a new kid to be raised: as
- KUD5TH: getting pregnant and even bearing a child is relatively easy (and even if you don't do it, plenty of others can, even for you) but
- KUD5TV: successfully raising a human child takes 21 years
minimum (realistically) and is one of the hardest things humans ever do, the cost to raise a child (Google search) is staggering ($291,570 by age 18 says the US Dept. of Agregulture in 2009), and taxes our planet's resources (by number of people) more than anything else humans do.
- KUCX30: How can abortion else euthanization of newborn be humane? Or euthanization or suicide of someone wanting to die and with seemingly little prospects to be happy?
- KUCZS0: These options are murder (else suicide) which is definitely far from ideal but sometimes the best thing.
many humans often get too upset about this option, apparently from operating by their gut too much and not really stopping to think it thru, as
- KUCZTK: because it's murder else death
and many humans want to see the world as black-and-white (that murder
& death is always entirely bad); and
- KUCZTY: because, in the case of a baby, sociobiology (genes &
chemicals) cause parents (especially women, thru oxytocin) become very
attached to a pregnancy else newboarn else baby.
- KUCZUM: But the unplesant but important question is rather is when is the "best" time to kill a person?
- KUCZV1: In
terms of the least impact to overall society, the best time is at the
end of their life (after most of their gift to the world has been
done) or at the beginning (after parents and society really hasn't
invested much in them).
- KUCZVD: But since murder is unplesant many don't want to
face this decision, so instead don't (don't OBVIOUSLY kill), and instead
let a person live (and try to keep him/her alive) almost regardless;
- KUCZWL: keep the old person alive via machines etc even though I've heard 1/2
of a person's entire healthcare bill is in his/her last year of life
(so at great expense to society for 1 more year where they are almost
certainly only a burden). And
- KUCZX1: Not abort or otherwise murder the baby,
but then leaving him/her to grow up (via adoption or other unprepared household)
without proper care (probably because society doesn't currently provide
the resources to support him/her), with the consequence we overpopulate
the planet and then (as adults) fight & kill each other over
resources (as oil), and that after this child has taken huge
investiment (all input and no output) from parents & society to be
trained to the point of adulthood (as about 18) he/she, not having
gotten the proper care, gets into a drugs and kills him/herself, or
joins a gang and perhaps kills a few people before killing him/herself,
or (because now the country is at war as over limited resources as oil)
we now send him to war and he/she does the same (perhaps kills a few
people then gets killed him/herself); thus instead killing the person
at the best time, we have killed them at the worst time (after all
society has invested into them and they haven't begun to pay back) and
probably killed a few others in the process.
- KUCZZC: So, as suggested, with the a world of finite resources, population WILL be controlled, the real question is do we do it civilly now or wait until later when it becomes uncivil.
- KUHFEJ: Extra images: .
- .
- .
http://LoveRules.Info/2009/12/kucj9x.html from Writely source
KQ5ZAU: Some Background on this Document:
- KUCJ9X: 2009.12.08pst1040- 1st created in Writely source and posted to http://LoveRules.Info/2009/12/kucj9x.html; wanted to title it quote[Safe Sex: DO IT, else go back to sex ONLY-within-a-strong-marriage-with-excess-"money"] but this didn't fit so called it quote[Safe Sex: DO IT 100%, else sex ONLY-IN-A-STRONG-MARRIAGE KUCJ9X]
- KUCOA0: renamed to quote[Sex ONLY SAFELY: no disease & kids from marriage-for-kids KUCJ9X] - this is more modern (less conservative), broader, and still accurate.
- KUCUB3: renamed to quote[Sex ONLY SAFELY: kids from marriage-for-kids,no disease,+ KUCJ9X] -I was tempted to say "etc" instead of "+" but the other components are not obvious.
- KUDBOJ: renamed to quote[Sex ONLY SAFELY: what all does "SAFELY" mean? KUCJ9X]
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