- KUEKTV: My overall reason is:
- KUDC9E: Like driving, sexual activity hurts and sometimes even kills lives & families,. And while the damage isn't quite as fast as a traffic collision, to the planet and overall lives (with divorces and broken family the norm and the planet running out of resources) the damage today & risk to the planet is arguably much more severe.
- (pic)KUDI22: And because having sex now required earning a license to do it (instead of just being able to do it), and indeed a license which you needed to maintain and could be taken away, likely everyone would behave a lot more sexually responsibly, including
- KUEL49: dramatically less disease, and especially dramatically fewer broken hearts & families and uncared for & poorly raised kids.
- KUEL4U: And due this dramatic increase in education & standards on healthy sex life (not just the sex act), there should be marked decrease in related sexual problems as sexual abuse, harassment, rape, & assault and child sexual abuse, and sex exploitation (sexploitation) of children & adults.
- KUDCYR: Areas regulated & laws:
- KUELIJ: comprehensive coverage of full sex life, not just the sex act --why its name
- KUELMR: In contrast, most "sex ed" courses mislead by their very name, as most cover just the physicals of the sex act (right pic), not the emotions and not all the dating & romance & relationships leading up and following that.
- KUELTW: This is probably because all these other areas of sex are complex and even many (most?) of the most famous adults haven't sorted it out (as Bill Clinton & Tiger Woods, to name just a few), so to be politically correct, modern adults don't say anything (! -which I think is also wrong: the opposite extreme).
- KUEM01: So the name "sex ed" & its lack of coverage easily (mis)leads your average teen or adolescent to think, "I got my sex ed class. Now I know all there is to know about sex!" though most every adult (with some dating under his/her belt) would laugh at this (mis)claim (though it really isn't funny), knowing that that sex ed class is just the tip of the iceberg as far as a real sex life.
- KUEMK0: On this note I do not call this just a "license for sex" ("sex license") as STIs,
& cheating, and a host of other problems can be caused by sexual
activity which is not strictly speaking sex as in sexual
- KUDDI3: But romantic activity outside of clearly-sexual activity would probably not be covered here as much that seems too blurry and possibly too small to effectively codify.
- KUDN4F: Consequently I call this a "a license for sexual activity" ("sexual activity license") or perhaps "license for (the) sexual" ("sexual license") and embed "sex life" whenever possible in the particular license names.
- KUDC84: The rules would be a collection of the following 3 key sexual domains:
- KUDCHW: General rules as Sex ONLY SAFELY: what all does "SAFELY" mean? KUCJ9X including:
- KUEJJ3: In order to keep one's license for sex valid/current, it would require routine & standardized STI/STD checking & correction, similar to a smog certificate required to renew your vehicle' registration
- KUEJW5: --quite similar to the routine testing required by real service STFree.
- *KUEJXB: --would drastically reduce sexually-transmitted infection/disease throughout society.
- KUETIA: You would be sexually tested according to computer-generated doctor-recommended schedule; once a year else every time you got a tested, you would report the "mileage" you placed on your genitalia (similar to reporting your odometer on your vehicle you register) including the number of sexual partners & sex frequency you had since your last report plus the kinds of protection you used. This plus statistics based on your age, sex, and location, would be used (by computer) to tell what tests you should have and at what frequency.
- *KUEK0N: Since the rules would include when it is okay to raise a child, the biggest benefit would be a dramatic reduction in the number of broken hearts & families and uncared-for or not-properly-raised kids.
- KUEMY7: It also (is being extended to) include some basics to avoid & minimize romantic cheating plus establish reasonable romantic agreements.
- KUDDZ0: Incorporating (& improving) present sexual harassment & sexual assault laws.
- (pic)KUDCIC: And the many romance forms and their particular rules, analogous to rules of the road one was currently driving, for the various kinds of roadways one might encounter in his/her sex life. For instance, (and getting a bit fanticiful),
- (pic)KUEOD5: Going down the road of monogamy, outside sex isn't allowed, so we imagine here "cross-streets" never occur else we don't let them occur else we pretend they never occurred or shouldn't have occurred.
- (pic)KUEOL4: Going down the road of swinging, that's like a two way street but with only tiny cross-streets (other relations just sex-only), and if those cross-streets grow bigger, we try to stop that or we pretend it never & doesn't happen.
- (pic)KUEOEC: Going down the the road of polygamy, that's like one-way street, either all going north (male leads everything) or all going south (female leads everything), and again with no cross-streets, so without later changing the street (but how?!), even if you can get to your destination you can't get back.
- (pic)KUEOMA: Going down the road of polyamory, that's like normal streets (two way; and with cross streets: some bigger, some smaller, and some the same size). KUEP74: (So which roadway would you prefer to drive? :-)
- KUDS5S: ideally there then would be no minimum age for someone to have sex provided he/she had a valid license for sex. This has enormous consequences & benefits which I cover below.
- KUENII: Some smaller adult consequences:
- (pic)KUDGVJ: The many deadbeat dads (and moms) bringing into the world kids that they weren't supporting would get sterilized or a chastity belt.
- (pic)KUDGMT: It would also have stopped the Octomom from having 14 kids when she was "unemployed and on public assistance programs at the time" plus no man/father to help care for them. She would have likely gotten sterized or a chastity belt after her first batch of 6.
- KUDG3P: Someone who was notably mentally disabled (so couldn't pass the sexual activity license test) could not have sexual activities with others. T2his would also seem wise especially to keep from parenting kids which they then couldn't care for and could easily have the same disorders.
- KUDGY6: Per above ideally having a license would determine if you could have sex, and not your age. This has big consequences and advantages:
- KUDSXD: 2 Just as would a test & license to be considered an adult (another "brilliant" idea humans seem to have forgotten), a test & license to have sex, instead of an arbitrary age, is much more in line with "primitive" human society which apparently worked for maybe 20,000 years or more (prior to about 2000 BC) where girls & boys & girls would have to prove themselves (through training & tests) in order to be allowed to be considered men & women and have the privilege (marriage and houses and sex) that adults had.
- KUDSKV: Present laws for age of consent (an arbitrary age at which a person could legally have sex, which make as much sense as saying "anyone over 16 can drive a car!") would be entirely replaced (phased out) by the need to have a license to have sexual activity instead of simply being some arbitrary age.
- KUDFEK: Statutory rape would then simply mean "sexual relations when one participant is a minor without a license" instead of "when one participant was below age of consent" and eliminated would be the confusing Romeo and Juliet exception laws ("if the difference in age is less than x years, then it doesn't count").
- KUDEEM: Responsible younger people below age of consent (who could pass the test) could have sex no problem (and would likely behave more responsibly):
- (pic)KUDHUE: Since having sex required to earn a license (covering pregnancy and much more), instead of just being able to do it because you can, this would probably significantly cut down on teenage pregnancies and teenage parents.
- (pic)KUDHI7: Just like teenagers driving if they had a license, sex between two teenagers (below age of consent), as two high school sweethearts having sex, would no longer be illegal (a seemingly silly law, especially since it's virtually never enforced) provided they both had valid sex licenses which, since they had to earn and could be taken away, would now get them to be more responsible.
- (pic)KUDG34: Consequently it would be perfectly legal for say a 16 year-old (or younger) to have sex with a 39 year old (or older) provided they both had a valid license, which would seem fine. (Sadly, with current law this would be a major felony in all states; indeed even in fairly liberal California, if the age difference was more than 3 years (and one is under 18) then it is a potential very serious felony which I understand would permanently label the older a sex offender and (statutory) rapist and send them away for prison for 7 years or more. If both persons were qualified in sexual relations, this seems crazy. Indeed how quickly we seem to forget that seemingly for 99.9% of humanity humans only lived to about age 30 and were paired off "for marriage" at age 816 to about 14.)
- KUDGYR: The many older people (above age of consent) but not behaving responsibly sexually would be stopped. For instance, see these adult consequences.
- KUEF55: Like a driver's license, the sexual tests would be the same for everyone and everyone (both sexes) would have to qualify, so (as
with the best ballroom dancers), both sexes would have to learn the
leader role (as flirting and asking someone out) plus the follower role
(as being asked out & flirted with).
- KUEGXX: Like DMV licenses for various vehicle types (automobile, motorcycle, commercial truck),
sexual activity licenses offered would include, from least to most advanced: - KUERML: Basic licenses for sexual activity:
- (pic)KUEH4R: Licensed for Heterosexual life & sex
- (pic)KUEH51: Licensed for Homosexual life & sex
- (pic)KUEHI3: Licensed for Bisexual life & sex
- KUERQC: --simply get both of the above (heterosexual & homosexual)
- KUERVN: --eventually society may progress to where everyone is required to get a bisexual license, but since that would require having sex with both sexes, it I wouldn't expect that until at least 20 years after the program started.
- KUF0ZI: Licenses for multi-partner sexual activity:
- (pic)KUEH5W: Licensed for Multi-partner romances (as medium polyamory)
- KUEHOI: --would first require being licensed in one basic license.
- (pic)KUEH67: Licensed for Multi-partner sex (as advanced polyamory)
--would first require being licensed in all the above (except that a
strict homosexual could skip heterosexual sex since all partners would
be of the same sex)
- KUEH6D: Licensed for sex work (a commercial license),
- KUEI23: --would also require a license (at least one of the above) for each area being worked, with naturally the more licenses the more prestigious.
- KUEJBG: Would insure all prostitutes & sexual escorts were licensed (today most all typically aren't).
- KUETSI: The license issuers would maintain a "sex record" for each licensee (analogous to a "driving record")
- *KUEVA7: A potential romance partner could (and would be wise to) request a sex record before else as soon as possible when getting romantic with another. Indeed this is the whole point of the STFree service
- KUETXF: If the report owner gives someone access, that person could be conveniently view the report within a minute or two by:
- .KUETZ1: A secure website.
- KUETZA: Calling an automated phone line as STFree does
- KUEU08: Possibly via text (SMS) message to an automated service that texts back.c
- KUEVM6: The record would have:
- KUEU0X: give sexual problems (especially STIs plus any sex offenses) which are or could be currently applicable or would be at risk of now having.
- KUEU2Q: possibly a sexual health score analogous to a credit score.
- KUEVRG: Photo (as STFree does) & physical identifiers of the person
- KUEVSB: Permanent unique ID (not social or driver's license) where to send messages and, if necessary, report the person.
- KUEUAQ: Exact legal identity (as legal name) --probably not
- KUETVP: Like any medical record, this record would not be public: an individual would have to release it to someone else.
- KUEU3M: Unlike today's credit reports (which are not secure) it could not be released by a printed signature; the giver must log on and and grant the other person access, else give the person access by secure digital signature, else give the other person a password which would soon expire.
- KUEW9D: Unlike STFree suggests, I don't imagine most people checking this report of a potential partner before having sex unless they were considering unprotected sex. Rather I imagine the confidence the license would instill (because it required passing & maintaining standards to get it) would be enough for most people, just as it seems to with a driver's license. But I could be wrong, and fortunately today's Internet and phones could allow for instant latest status check.
- KUEUOH: To handle all the above and more,
I propose one more "Department of Sexuality".
- .KUEUVR: Similar to having each state have a Department of Motor Vehicles, (in the long term) each state would seeming have it's "Department of Sexuality" but in the immediate term it might be handled by one or more private organizations each similar to what STFree does.
- KUEURC: It would handle
- KUEURU: Issuing and maintaining every resident's license for sexual activity and related records.
- KUEUHC: Sex offender lists (per Megan's law) would be included in these sex licensing records and later merged into them.
- KUEV04: The info from agencies dealing with deadbeat parents would also be included here and eventually those agencies may be merged into here.
- (pic)KUDCY9: Enforcement
- KUDCZL: I don't think bedroom "sex cops" (analogous to traffic cops) would go over too well (well unless they were as cute as this gal on the right ;-), but there must be away to detect & report incidents, however, just like traffic accidents, ordinary police would likely be called in to report smaller common incidents.
- KUDE5D: For bigger and more advanced sexual crimes (as rape, pedophilism, etc), your typical Special Victims Unit would handle it
- (pic)KUDD15: Judging
- KUDD1S: Instead of being directed to "traffic court" if one did something wrong you would be directed to "sex court", which like traffic court, would feature a judge specializing in these sexual laws.
- KUDDND: Penalties:
- KUDDNN: Reasonably similar to driving laws but specialized, penalties would include (from least to worse):
- KUDDPF: Monetary fines
- (pic)KUDDPO: Sex school (instead of "traffic school")
- (pic)KUDDUU: "Fix it ticket" as ordered to be sexual disease/infection tested & cured
- KUDDTS: "No contact" and Restraining orders
- KUDDQ7: Having to get sterilized and/or wear a chastity belt (instead of your vehicle wheel getting booted, your genitals could get locked up from public access)
- KUDE8C: Castration (for men); apparently no equivalent for women.
- (pic)KUDH2D: Have one's license (for sexual activity) suspended or revoked.
- KUDDXE: Incarceration (as for violent rape)
- KUDCNH: The idea I came up with in about 2001 (of "requiring a person to have a valid legal license in order to do sexual activity, very similar to (indeed modeled after) having to have a driver's license in order to drive").
- KUDC66: Getting one's license for sexual activity is modeled after (and about as difficult as) getting a driver's license.
KUERK2: Here is the format for the basic license for sexually activity (a license for either Heterosexual- or homosexual- life & sex license: it's designed to work for both),
with the other licenses similar in structure:
- (pic)KUEB6I: 1st you'd study the material you'd be tested on, as ideally LoveRules.Info on Romance (or the equivalent).
- (pic)KUEBAB: 2nd you'd take a written test (LoveRules.Info
will feature these as soon as we find the testing & survey site to
use); ideally it wouldn't have be done in-person other than to insure
that the answers were yours.
- (pic)KUEBSL: 3rd, if you passed, you would then be issued a provisional/training license which would allow you to have sexual activity as long as someone (as a parent or a friend) with a valid license (for say more than 10 years):
- KUEBPI: is continually present (yes, another nice thing is sex stops being so private that often never in one's lifetime is it ever seen & reviewed by anyone but your partner); or
- KUEBQ9: or, for those squeamish, possibly that that the experienced license holder is his/her sex partner (some others may not like this age difference so then elect for the former option). KUEBTM: And one would then go practice sexual activity for real.
- KUEBD8: 4th: When ready, one would take the physical (real test).
- (pic)KUEC6F: As with the driver's test, this test would be supervised by license-issuer staff.
- KUEC6N: Unlike the driving of your drivers test, to conform to present conventions & laws, your sex acts would not be performed on the public streets.
- (pic)KUECES: The introductions & dating could occur in a public setting but for the sex act it would occur in a private bedroom which either likely the license staff would have else (like the test car) the test taker would provide.
- (pic)KUECCU: To reduce costs & trouble, the option may be given that the testee could submit his performance on a video of himself and his/her partners showing the requested interactions.
- KUECH3: The real test would be comprehensive (and remember done by both sexes), covering:
- KUEG0W: The introduction (first with the testee is the leader and the other person as the follower, then reverse roles)
- (pic)KUEG3C: Leader introduces him/herself to someone brand new for the purposes of a romantic relationship
- KUEG4V: Follower turns down the leader; leader asks for reasons; follower tells leader the real reasons.
- (pic)KUEG5G: Leader introduces him/herself to someone else brand new as before, and follower accepts invite.
- KUEG6N: Leader asks follower for phone # & email
- KUEG7M: Follower refuses phone # but gives email
- KUEG89: Leader emails follower to go on a date
- KUEG8Z: Follower doesn't reply
- KUEG97: Leader sends follower a polite reminder
- KUEGCK: Follower accepts
- (pic)KUECN7: Doing the date.
- KUECNN: The sex act itself (done in private); it must be a sexual activity not resulting in kids nor disease:
- KUEEQM: STI inquiry & informing ;
- KUET4S: if any STIs, appropriate condom or protection or limitation should be used according to doctor's direction (likely immediately at this point).
- KUEEPY: kissing & foreplay sufficient to get all females fully wet and all males fully erect.
- (pic)KUEEQ3: mutual oral sex: the sex position 69
(hey, personally I'm not much of muff diver but it's obviously good training & foreplay, so read the the sign :-) - KUESTI: All condoms & devices must be on by this point (as all males put condom), if not on sooner due to STIs.
- KUEGHR: sexual intercourse (penis into vagina else (if gay male) anus; if lesbian, then a dildo will be used to insert into both)
- (pic)KUESS2: first the testee on top and then testee on bottom (see position possibilities), (or reverse based on a coin flip), , and insure safe non-kid nor-disease producing sex was done, plus insuring after-sex respect.
- (pic)KUEWJE: All participants would have to reach orgasm but (since this is just a basic test) they need not reach it at the same time.
- KUEWLP: Throughout the test, no unsafe bodily fluid transfer can occur.
Difficulty increase: would a small romantic involvement with others
mates mess up the relationship, or can testee manage additional mates
which he/she is very attracted to or very jealous of?
First, testee & sex partner are told "For these next tests, imagine
in your relationship that your sex partner flirting and even
romantically kissing another potential mate is permissible so NOT
- (pic)KUEDBU: Minimal multi-mate management:
testee is flirted with and then enjoyable romantically kisses another
mate he/she is attracted to, while knowingly his/her first sex partner
watches. Immediately after, testee & sex partner must enjoyable
romantically kiss while knowingly the 3rd person watches. Did everyone
do the whole thing sincerely pleasantly?
- KUECOV: Minimal jealousy management : testee watches his/her sex partner get very flirtatious with another potential mate, then very romantically kiss. After this, the testee and partner must then get romantic, at least to the point of passionate kissing. How does he/she handle it?
- KUDKI7: Relevant work
- KUDMK4: Google Search[sex OR sexual license -"Safe Sex License" -STFree -"Sexual Liberation or Sexual License"] (first 3 pages) finds nothing relevant other than a 2009 blog entry which brings up the concept just a tiny side-joke which brought some commentary.
- KUDLFK: Disclosing your STI/D status to potential & current sex partners (a small but important portion of the above):
- (pic)KUDKIQ: http://STFree.com , found 1st by Google Search[license for sex], gives a credit-card "Safe Sex License" which 2006 review here says "Created by an ex-porn star from New York City, it allows you to track
the sexual history of your potential partner simply by entering their
membership number via telephone." The initial cost is "$24.99" plus "we require our members to update their Safe Sex License at least 1 time every 6 months." then must soon (to stay valid) "purchase an update package" - I'm not sure the cost of that. Google Search[(safe sex license) OR STFree] finds many reviews. A 2008 review says "More than 15,000 people nationwide have signed up"
- KUDLF5: Patient portals as the big 3 open to everyone probably have the ability to disclose your STIs (and probably any medical information) to others via web browser, though I haven't tried it.
http://LoveRules.Info/2009/12/kudb06.html LAST UPDATED 2009.12.08 from Writely source
KQ5ZAU: Some Background on this Document:
- KUDB06: 2009.12.08pst2027- 1st created in Writely source and posted to http://LoveRules.Info/2009/12/kucj9x.html; wanted to title it quote[One's Legal License for Sexual Activity –it's about time! KUDB06] and did.
- KUF4XN: 2009.12.09pst2010- 1st draft completed; published and delivered to Lucy for proofing.
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