L5TJXG: Hover/mouse-over: Use of this site —by DestinyArchitect

  1. L5U1B1: WELCOME! ☺  This site promotes & pioneers Social-technology™ based on science & love (Rules for Love so Love Rules™ and Humans, Play-God wisely™). This site is for anyone caring about romance, friends, love, family, community, getting along, playing & working together, social & work relations & relationships, values/morals/ethics/religion, and social issues between life-forms and especially between us humans! In fact, per "What's life worth without others to truly share it with?", this site encourages us to take our social aspects (indeed our Social-technology™) more seriously than we take our ever-dominating technical-technology! This site is “created & owned & copyright © by DestinyArchitect with all rights reserved, including no copying & no printing unless noted, except: • the latest version is available for free for public reading & comment at any time” at http://LoveRules.Info.
  2. L5N5LD: What are these codes such as “L5N5LD” on (the right-top of) this paragraph? They are my invention, part of next-generation Wikipedia I'm architecting. Each is an ID to uniquely & permanently name, point-to, link-to, find, and timestamp most anything:
    1. L5TM6L: Each gives a unique & permanent ID to most-every paragraph, section, & document. And many are also an HTML-anchor to the item (to the start of that item within the web page it's on); for instance, the URL ending with “#L5TM6L” (click it!) sends you this paragraph.
      L6SVUW: How to find an ID, say if a link containing an ID is broken: Find the ID (it could be in the name of the reference/link as “L5TM6L: ...”, or in the URL bookmark as “...#L5TM6L”, or in the URL filename as “.../l5tm6l.html...”) then just search for it (in these cases, search for “L5TM6L”): if you know it's a place is within the present web page, use your web browser's find (Ctrl-F); otherwise use say Google Search (yes, you can find the item even if it has been renamed and/or moved to another website!).
    2. L5TM9Q: Each is also a timestamp, encoding the date & time of the ID's creation which typically tells when its item was first spoken/written/created: I will be publishing a decoder.

ABOUT LoveRules.Info KQ5EAH

L6EQ8G: Revision 394 -2010.08.07pst0235 (87% complete; some updating needed):

KQ564W:About http://LoveRules.Info
Contents —Read for a quick full-picture of what's here
  1. KQ5686: Tagline: quote[LOVE Rules so Love RULES™ —appropriate Social-Technology™ for our new modern world.]

    1. KQ568X:  Dedicated to developing & sharing & promoting quote[appropriate Social-Technology™ for our new modern world]
      justified by:

      1. KQ56IO: scientific method (and so religiously-neutral),
        1. KQ573W:  perhaps most notably biology especially social sciences, especially sociology,
          1. KQ57MH: . especially the new field sociobiology (coming back full circle . with biology via sociobiology's key shocking realization & assertion: that just as every creature's physical attributes is chiefly genetically determined, so also every creature behavior (yes, even human behavior) is chiefly genetically determined (and likewise to achieve gene-pool dominance, the name of life's game) and NOT because of conscious choices (and yes, despite that we humans (in love with our big brains) want to believe we are under mostly conscious control of ourselves: indeed sociobiology can even explain that (why we'd fool ourselves into believing that!))
      2. KQ58QX:  and universal morality (morals everyone can agree on, at least after careful thought) such as (from oldest to newest):
        1. KQ5BFG: Overall we should aim for honesty & truth.
        2. KQ59KJ:  Overall we should aim love one-another (hence this site's name, "Love Rules") and to be at peace.
        3. KQ5BKH: Overall we should accept and embrace our natural diversity.
        4. KQ59UR:  .And, a new one: Overall we should accept & embrace & develop appropriate eclecticism (our individual "natural diversity").  Most major religions (as Christianity, Judaism, and often Islam), plus totalitarian & military regimes, and pure socialist governments, claim "We have THE answer for everyone".  However, even among the most devout followers, realistically every one of us is eclectic (which means: picking & choosing what s/he believes & follows, so consciously & unconsciously building our own custom lifestyle & values) as none are exactly the same.  There is good reason to find eclecticism frightening (it COULD lead to anarchy).  But no matter how we fear & try to control it, eclecticism will always be there and in everyone.  And indeed for good reason, as each creature is unique and will always have certain unique needs.  So rather than just fear & try to eradicate eclecticism, instead we should & need to accept that it will be here to stay, and so instead embrace & develop appropriate eclecticism: an individual's "free & responsible search for truth & meaning".
        5. KQ599W: and especially on that note, often the principles & other findings of Unitarian Universalism (which centers on unifying & joining people of all religions).
  2. KQ5CF7:  Authors of this site:  Me & especially You!

    1. KQ5CNV:  . I, DestinyArchitect, am the founder of this site. I developed & wrote the founding ideas here. Working on the topic since ~1995 (starting with writing my first employee handbook plus simultaneously my own plans & values for friendship & dating), I started realizing how much our modern society is still short formal current social technology (as "We've got Windows 2007, so where is Christianity 2007?"; indeed I invented the name "social technology") and eventually wrote hundreds of pages on the topic which I will slowly move to here. However,...
    2. KQ5DK4:  If it was just me thinking this, all of this would be meaningless. Indeed it's only from thousands of interactions with & feedback from hundreds of interesting people that I've been able to come up with these ideas. So,
      in long run it's you, which will and do make all this happen!
      1. KQ5CVJ:  You are strongly encouraged to post constructive comments & feedback on the material here.
      2. KQ5CX5:  You are are strongly encouraged to email me with thoughts & ideas this gives you.
      3. KQ5DFT:  You are even invited to help- co-write topics here and even become a poster of topics here.  -Just email me.
      4. KQ5DMX:  And you are encouraged to click on the embedded advertisements which might interest you, plus make donations, to help finance these efforts.
  3. KQ5E21:  About http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info

    1. KQ5EXN:  Per the tag line, this is LoveRules.Info “—presented via Blogger
      1. KQ5F6Y:  I choose Blogger because so far it seems to do the job for now (including easy embedded ads, and even post & collaborative writing via Google Writely), because its one of the top blog sites, because it's Google and I'm already familiar with a number of other Google applications.
        1. KQ5FL3:  Every post actually comes from a Writely document, thus also picking up Writely's benefits (which most standalone blogs lack), including (internal) full-versioning & version history of every post and relatively easy collaborative authoring of posts.
        2. KQ5J09:  Every post has a URL of the form http://blogger.LoveRules.Info/YYYY/MM/iiiiii.html
          1. KQ5J29:  For example, http://blogger.LoveRules.Info/2009/09/kq5eah.html is this document.
          2. KQ5J4J:  where:
            1. KQ5J75:  YYYYMM is the year & month it was first placed on this blog.
              1. KQ5J7W:  I wanted to get rid of the unnecessary "YYYY/MM" but from Googling this does not seem possible with Blogger.com.
            2. KQ5J7E:  iiiiii is the post's permanent globally unique 6-digit ID.
              1. KQ5J98:  This will remain the same even if the post is moved to another website.
          3. KQ5JAC:  The URL is maximally short, and permanent (as long as the content remains on this site), including it intentionally omits any info on the post content as that just makes the URL longer and might easily need to be changed later.
          4. KQ5JFE:  This URL is achieved in Blogger by making the first save of the post with the title of just iiiiii (creating this URL) then renaming (specifically here appending to) the title the additional descriptive text and resaving/reposting.
            1. KQ5JN3:  Note the title &  post date can be renamed but, by design of Blogger, the URL remains the same (never changes from the first URL, and, yes, even if the date and or title in that is no longer appropriate so one of the reasons I make it minimal to start). 
        3. KUIU35:  Post naming convention
          1. KUIU45:  Standard history (in order):
            1. Used the convention quote[IIIIII(name....)]
            2. Used the convention quote[name IIIIII] since the prior looked bad on the Contents page
            3. KUIU6N:  Returning to the convention quote[IIIIII(name...)] as the prior convention was more confusing (what is that code at the end) and put the code at different positions with typical left-justified text so looked more ugly.
              1. KUIUJT:  When renaming write quote[Renamed to[IIIIII(name...)] per the new naming convention.]
      2. KQ5FEE:   I realize a blog (which is short for web-log) isn't the ideal site for this kind of content (as most notably because it's not a log at all) and that something like Drupal (and definitely the CommuniDB site I'm developing) would be better, but that's at least a month a month more work and I'm regularly finding I need to write & publish now.  Fortunately, since all content is standard HTML, it can be semi-automatically moved to that better environment when that's ready.
    2. KQ5E3Q:  So far http://LoveRules.Info has no other web content other than http://blogger.LoveRules.Info so redirects to there, however I'm planning more advanced sites than blogger.
    3. .
  4. L2MR0J:  LoveRules.Info ownership & access-rights:

    1. L2MRLT: Ownership & access-rights summary. Except as written otherwise in the particular content by its owner, all content on this site is created & owned & copyright © by DestinyArchitect with all rights reserved, including no copying & no printing unless noted, except:
      the latest version is available for free for public reading & comment at any time provided it is accessed intact & live & direct from this site (from the content's official published URLs) and
      the URLs are pubic & I encourage you to share & promote them & this site.
      See the About page's LoveRules.Info content access rights for exact details.
    2. L2MU36:  Every document:
      1. L2MU3Z:  generally corresponds to 1 page (a blog post) in this site;
      2. L2MTNJ:  the creator is generally specified at the bottom of the document;
      3. L2MTXJ:  generally has:
        1. L2MUBM:  one source URL (a Writely document which is its source) plus
        2. L2MUBX:  one published URL which is the web page in this site where they document is published and is typically listed at the bottom of the document with paragraph ID KVA579.
    3. KW3LUQ:  Except as written otherwise in the remainder of this document else in the particular content by its owner,
      1. L2MTPW:  the owner of the content is its creator.
      2. L2MTQL:  all content and the URLs to it are:
        1. L2MO9U:  maximally confidential (though exceptions here are common) and
        2. L2MOAK:  fully copyrighted © with
        3. L2MOBM:  all rights reserved including:
          1. KW4IWT:  No changes are allowed;
          2. KW4IZ7:  No printouts nor copies are allowed (other than the browser cache & search-engine cache which then must automatically & promptly refresh else delete the contents);
          3. KW4J10:  The content must be accessed live within a standard web browser window opened directly on its published URL.
    4. L2MPSO:  Default access-right exceptions of LoveRules.Info documents:
      1. KW3TDJ:  The content's published URL is public and you are encouraged to freely share it and link to it.
      2. KW4HVA: The latest version of this document IS for public reading & comment meaning it may be accessed by anyone at any time & for free provided still the document is accessed only as described above.
      3. L2MPG0:  Universal web archival services (which try to archive the entire web, such as Archive.Org) are, be default, allowed & encouraged to archive all prior versions they retrieve from published URLs.
    5. L2MYA5:  Some History
      1. L2MY6M:  before now, this content was in KUJWXV(LoveRules.Info post template) but I moved it here KQ5EAH(ABOUT LoveRules.Info) so it would only need to be stored once per the whole site and not on every page. However in KUJWXV(LoveRules.Info post template) I placed a reference & link to it here.

KQ5EM2:  Some Document History:

    1. KQ5EN4:  Prior, I placed this content as a section of KQ32CS(SITE MAP of blogger.LoveRules.Info)
    2. KQ5EQY:  Since the content was more than 1 or 2 paragraphs, I moved it to source Writely doc KQ5EA with name[KQ5EAH(ABOUT LoveRules.Info)] this http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info/2009/09/kq5eah.html;
    3. Renamed to[ABOUT LoveRules.Info KQ5EAH]
    4. KUIUKS: Renamed to[KQ5EAH(ABOUT LoveRules.Info)] per the new naming convention.
    5. L6EPZT: rename to[ABOUT LoveRules.Info KQ5EAH]
    6. L6RTJZ: Replace in source from[http://LoveRules.Info] to[http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info] except where not appropriate.
–above article published at official URL: http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info/2009/09/kq5eah.html

1 comment:

  1. Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world that cannot be shrunk into a description of mere few words. To maintain the beauty of this lovely relationship it is important to remember a few things.. http://howrelationshipswork.blogspot.com/2011/05/rules-of-love.html
