L5TJXG: Hover/mouse-over: Use of this site —by DestinyArchitect

  1. L5U1B1: WELCOME! ☺  This site promotes & pioneers Social-technology™ based on science & love (Rules for Love so Love Rules™ and Humans, Play-God wisely™). This site is for anyone caring about romance, friends, love, family, community, getting along, playing & working together, social & work relations & relationships, values/morals/ethics/religion, and social issues between life-forms and especially between us humans! In fact, per "What's life worth without others to truly share it with?", this site encourages us to take our social aspects (indeed our Social-technology™) more seriously than we take our ever-dominating technical-technology! This site is “created & owned & copyright © by DestinyArchitect with all rights reserved, including no copying & no printing unless noted, except: • the latest version is available for free for public reading & comment at any time” at http://LoveRules.Info.
  2. L5N5LD: What are these codes such as “L5N5LD” on (the right-top of) this paragraph? They are my invention, part of next-generation Wikipedia I'm architecting. Each is an ID to uniquely & permanently name, point-to, link-to, find, and timestamp most anything:
    1. L5TM6L: Each gives a unique & permanent ID to most-every paragraph, section, & document. And many are also an HTML-anchor to the item (to the start of that item within the web page it's on); for instance, the URL ending with “#L5TM6L” (click it!) sends you this paragraph.
      L6SVUW: How to find an ID, say if a link containing an ID is broken: Find the ID (it could be in the name of the reference/link as “L5TM6L: ...”, or in the URL bookmark as “...#L5TM6L”, or in the URL filename as “.../l5tm6l.html...”) then just search for it (in these cases, search for “L5TM6L”): if you know it's a place is within the present web page, use your web browser's find (Ctrl-F); otherwise use say Google Search (yes, you can find the item even if it has been renamed and/or moved to another website!).
    2. L5TM9Q: Each is also a timestamp, encoding the date & time of the ID's creation which typically tells when its item was first spoken/written/created: I will be publishing a decoder.

Don't casually mess w/ Mother Nature; accept & flow w/ her KU1MFR

(90% complete 1st draft)
KU1N5H:  Don't casually mess with "mother nature" (humans' & life-forms' natural state for 99.9% of their evolutionary existence); mother nature is generally right and even if wrong (well by our moral standard), still generally isn't going to change, but instead the facade building we've made thinking we've fixed her is but only mocking her, and likely when we aren't expecting it, will be ripped down and crush us as we dance inside.  Often with very little thought on our part, we humans frequently semi-cleverly make it appear as if we've "fixed her" & "changed her" but more often than not silently & subconsciously  underneath her same principles are are going on and we will be paying back dearly for trying to so casually alter her.  So instead, to put it mildly, Respect your mother: Nature!

  1. KU1NAJ:  Is this true?  Is this important?  I strongly believe it is, and is not just important but essential for seemingly every human to know & heed.
  2. KU1NBI:  It seems the more history & science uncovers about our past and our universe the more small and unaware we appear, we present human society, and so more and more potentially transitory and erasable, most especially if we don't appreciate how true this is: that there are quiet forces governing most everything, as mother nature, which are way more powerful than we'll ever be.
    1. KU1PFC:  Most notably our modern civilization as we know it has been really around it feels like less than 20 years --since "mid 1990s" when the Internet was just appearing wide-spread along with it the world-wide-web and truly portable laptops); and while we all know how important and life changing this is to all the world,
      our modern new life today (in terms of time it's been around) is but a drop in the bucket in the big picture of human & life-form existence, to say nothing of universe existence, as:
      1. KU1POQ:  America (the U.S.), pioneer of the modern democracy and melting pot (or, better, salad bowl) has already been around
        ~225 years ago (10x longer)
      2. KU1PQK:  the Ancient Greeks had pioneering technologies & thinking (including ideas on homosexuality which are more advanced than what we have today)
        over 2K years ago (100x longer
      3. KU1PTQ:  Human written language has been around
        since 3200BC
        (~210x longer)
      4. .KU1PV4:  Human species has been around (according to news articles in about 2006)
        about 2 million years (100,000x longer) -- this is very significant when thinking of how sex & romance & culture & lifestyle was for 99.99% of human existence, so we need to think many times over before altering it.
      5. KU1Q2H:  Sex (Bi-sexed creatures) has been around
        about 1 billion years (50,000,000x longer) (this book title suggest 3 billion years)- something to think about before starting to alter sex & romance coding.
      6. KU1Q8W:  Lifeforms (on earth) have been around
        "about 3.7 billion years" (200,000,000x longer) --  something to think about before we start altering the fundamentals of life.
      7. KU1QBK:  And we are just one planet and solar system (star) of "about 200 billion stars"(*) in our galexy (Milky Way)
      8. (pictured right) and
      9. KUFM3V:  "It is one of billions of galaxies
        in the observable universe." 
      10. KUFM8L:  So in the context of the universe out there, we humans (even all 2 million years we've been around) aren't even as much as a drop in the bucket!
    2. KUFN5V:  And how does this whole universe operate?
      1. KUFNTN:  Well physics thought thought we knew with Newtonian mechanics and for the the atomic level the subfield quantum mechanics, it turns out at the extreme sizes & scales that falls apart and we instead need to use general relativity pioneered by Einstein; however these two systems are conflicting the middle ground transition area, so with quantum gravity theories as string theory we've tried to unify them, but still have not succeeded.
      2. KUFNU8:  Also in chemistry we thought we found as small & indivisible as we could go when we discovered the atom (hence it's name) but then we found that is composed of electronics, protons, & neutrons, and then by quantum mechanics these particles can be better seen as waves (what?!), then we found out these "elementary particles" can be further divided into the new elementary particles which "In the Standard Model, [are] the quarks, leptons, and gauge boson", but that model is still debated, so who really know?
      3. KUFOA5:  The short is, with every object of this universe, we still don't know entirely what's going on!
    3. KUFMH4:  Moreover, perhaps likely most of all we need to heed the new science of sociobiology, the simple idea that just like our physical traits are, our social traits are also determined by our genes - and the interesting part: a lot more than we are aware or will want to believe.
      1. KUG6HS:  It is increasingly hinting to us that
        * just as we've long known our physical features (height, eye color, hair, etc) are
        determined by our genes and are not easily altered (and if altered, it's only for our life, not our kids),
        * our behavioral features, especially the subconscious & long-term ones are also
        "determined by our genes and are not easily altered (and if altered, it's only for our life, not our kids)"
        --such as being predisposed to being an alcoholic, or being jealous, or our sexual orientation and most other mate "choices", many of our career "choices",
        and seemingly endless more behaviors & even values we have were before we thought (imagined) we were in control of ourselves!

        1. KUG977:  For instance, identical twins separated at birth frequently end up choosing identical careers & mates and lifestyles. --this is very serious news & alarming news if we think we really know what we're doing every step we take: for it says we don't.
      2. KUG70G:  In short, it's telling us natural selection quite logically is also directing us what we feel & think and how we behave!  And that, despite why we might have told ourselves we're doing something (as God direct it that way), we are really being directed selfishly & unconsciously to do whatever causes our individual's genes to dominate (a game of gene pool dominance), and
      3. KUGA2N:  I add that sociobiology also tells us:
        1. KUG7PF:  We won't even know why nor often even what we're doing most of what we do (especially overall long-term) as
          1. KUG8NB:  foremost the genetic algorithm (on which all life is based) learns without ever knowing why it does something or even that it's doing something and
          2. KUG8NZ:  as long as the job gets done (which it will: nature is billions of times bigger than us humans), we don't need to know why & what we're doing because our councious brain is so minimal & recent in the evolutionary history that it really doesn't matter what it thinks ("let the humans believe whatever they want") because it really ISN'T running the show, for indeed
          3. KUG8XJ:  less than .001% of actions in nature are self-aware, indeed the biggest actions occur without even being alive.
        2.  KUG9OI:  So (without realizing this), today human's ability to be conscious & self-aware mostly only gives us the destructive illusion we are aware & in control.  Our typical confidence that we know what we're doing and are in control long-term is merely our own conscious tricking us, like allowing a person to "pick" (answer) the winning lotto numbers, an illusion of control that only seduces us to go down the wrong path even more.
        3. KUGA3X:  And since genes then so determine our individual actions, genes (plus environment) would then entirely determine what we create: our cultures, and even our religions (unless DO GOD(s) EXIST? Once clear-headed,probably best2think"No").  So
          1. KUGAY5:  while we're right in saying culture & religion & other upbringing shape us as well as genes, those are are also being determined by genes (plus environment) as well.
          2. KUGAYF:  Equivalently, in the Nature versus nurture (genes vs. nurture) debate (as to which shapes us and shapes us more), in the long term it's all nature (genes + environment).@@@
        1. KUG7SY:  Consequently, even as humans (the most intelligent life form) and in our modern world (especially pre- World Wide Web, which is less than 20 years old), that today each of us is walking around like a coded robot, and aware of only a small percentage of what we're doing, especially long term, and mostly ascribe the wrong reasons for it, and are actually long-term are control long term of our own life for about 1%?  Yes!  And
        2. KUG8AR:  that despite how we humans are so proud of our intelligence (better than every other creature we know) and it seems we are aware of so much and can easily judge good from bad, we're not, and we can't.
      4. KUG8BN:  As it seems what is really directing us 99% is subconscious & predetermined: is our environment where we grew up (which we have little control over) and even more  our genes (which we also have no control over):   just ,   
      5. KUG9DA:  In short, sociobiology is increasing showing what's actually directing us (even defining our religions!) is our genes.  Which, if you only stop to think about it, should be no surprise, as genes obviously directed life-form behavior entirely for the 2000x longer it was around but we weren't!

  3. .KU1QW2:  We humans today are a flea on the earth sucking its resources dry and jumping & demanding for attention, and thinking we're really concious of all we're doing and we know what's best  --What arrogance!
  4. KUFP2Y:  In additon, especially since discovering how to split the atom, humans are exponetially finding ways to wipe out not only their own entire species but much of life on this planet! So...
  5. KUFEMQ:  I believe our only hope for humans, as far as our long term success & even continued existence in the next 100 years, is humility; specifically,
    1. KUFPHG:  FIRST realizing how small we are in the 3.7 billion year history of life forms, and sometimes as well realize that in the universe, we're not even a spec (1 of 200 billion billion stars), and how we don't entirely know how anything works,
    2. KUFR94:  and realizing how, more often than not, our genes (not our intellect)  makes us think we know right & wrong and our drugged intellect is rationalizing "that's right!" (like some spiders & fish do, we'd be cannibals and happily eat some of our children & relatives if our genes told us to --so by just looking at what genes do to other creatures, unless we humans are some miraculous superior exception (which, BTW, genes would also likely have ever species believe of itself), we must face the the most frighting reality of all realities: our genes define our morals, and where our culture & likely-religion defined them as well in the long term our genes defined those as well, and if they didn't it need not matter because we also clearly know our genes also defined the very eyes & mind which we use to see; so then very likely there is no absolute good & bad nor right & wrong at all, only what our genes, directly else indirectly, tell us to see as right or wrong), so
    3. KUFPHM:  THEN (with this humility, where we actually can't even be sure of anything being right or wrong), now we can actually stop and think: realize that we are ALWAYS "operating under the influence of a "drug" (our genes)", always seeing though a conscious which is drugged by the genes of our species, our parents, and our individual mutations, plus our culture and religion which are genes also likely defined, and even our eyes & mind which we know our genes defined; then try to consciously factor out all our genetic drugging (as "I instinctively feel I'm important because, like probably every life form, my genes have coded me to believe that (as helps keep the creature alive), NOT because I really am important"), and then really take in how small & unknowing we are
    4. KUFPHU:  THEN (and only then) can we appropriately ask not just what we want to do but even more importantly --for the survival of us & most all life on earth--  how we need to flow & fit in with all the time and creatures and places before us and still here with us.
  6. KU1NJ2:  However it seems only in my lifetime (starting around 1990) are we as a planet are only starting to realize & heed this:
    1. .KU1NP2:  Around 1990 the world started realizing we need to stop nuclear weapon proliferation and really avoid them as we could even accidentally wipe out the planet.  For instance, as we were warned by the movie WarGames (1983).
    2. KU1S8G:  Around 2008 the increasingly worldwide Green (environmentalism) movement, including:
      1. .KU1NR0:  Around 2007 the world started realizing we need to control our carbon emissions and avoid global warning and look for renewable non-fossil-fuel energy.  For instance, as we were warned by the movie An Inconvenient Truth (2006).
      2. KU1SAU:  The importance of recycling and not wasting materials & fuel even if we can (at the moment) see no problem with that.
    3. KU1O23:  In 2008 and ongoing we are beginning to accept that homosexuality and bisexuality are genetically wired and so we can't just switch it off as we've been trying; and if a "crime" (!) it's victimless so we can't just say it's bad as before we often have been.  For instance, overturning California's famous Proposition 8 which almost took place.  The majority of the world accepting homosexuality & bisexuality is still a few years out, but fortunately it seems to be coming.

  7. KU1O09:  And there is so much more we have to as far as accepting & flowing with, instead of messing with, mother nature which has NOT gotten worldwide and even nation-wide acceptance:
    1. .KU1RVB:  My site http://LoveRules.Info is all about appropriate social technology(tm) which we now especially need to to keep up with our technical changes, including the world-wide social changes just mentioned KU1NJ2 but especially featuring these concerns which are still being missed:
      1. KU1OLH:  The War of the Sexes" is BRED-in for a billion years! so instead we need things as Friends-OVER-Romance!™, something I've been pushing since ~2001.
      2. KU1OGF:  The necessity of population regulation and limited eugenics, something I've been pushing since 1983, and arguably even more important than the world's romance problems.
      3. KU1S21:  Every human war today being largely religious and the need to get religions to instead peacefully co-exist and focus instead on their commonalities,
        as Unitarian Universalism does and seemingly could be best grown by focusing on it's young adults as does this site's Unitarian Universalist YOUNG ADULTS! International.
      4. KU1SXL: 

http://LoveRules.Info/2009/12/ku1mfr.html LAST UPDATED 2009.12.11pst0007 from Writely source.
KQ5ZAU:  Some Background on this Document:
  1. Motivated by replying to an email to Frank (as he uses the tagline "When water sits for too long it gets stagnant, we're 70% water!"), 1st created from Writely source and posted to http://LoveRules.Info/2009/12/ku1mfr.html with name quote[Don't casually mess w/ Mother Nature; accept & flow w/ her KU1MFR]
  2. KUHAJF:  2009.12.11pst0007 published "(90% complete 1st draft)"

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