L5TJXG: Hover/mouse-over: Use of this site —by DestinyArchitect

  1. L5U1B1: WELCOME! ☺  This site promotes & pioneers Social-technology™ based on science & love (Rules for Love so Love Rules™ and Humans, Play-God wisely™). This site is for anyone caring about romance, friends, love, family, community, getting along, playing & working together, social & work relations & relationships, values/morals/ethics/religion, and social issues between life-forms and especially between us humans! In fact, per "What's life worth without others to truly share it with?", this site encourages us to take our social aspects (indeed our Social-technology™) more seriously than we take our ever-dominating technical-technology! This site is “created & owned & copyright © by DestinyArchitect with all rights reserved, including no copying & no printing unless noted, except: • the latest version is available for free for public reading & comment at any time” at http://LoveRules.Info.
  2. L5N5LD: What are these codes such as “L5N5LD” on (the right-top of) this paragraph? They are my invention, part of next-generation Wikipedia I'm architecting. Each is an ID to uniquely & permanently name, point-to, link-to, find, and timestamp most anything:
    1. L5TM6L: Each gives a unique & permanent ID to most-every paragraph, section, & document. And many are also an HTML-anchor to the item (to the start of that item within the web page it's on); for instance, the URL ending with “#L5TM6L” (click it!) sends you this paragraph.
      L6SVUW: How to find an ID, say if a link containing an ID is broken: Find the ID (it could be in the name of the reference/link as “L5TM6L: ...”, or in the URL bookmark as “...#L5TM6L”, or in the URL filename as “.../l5tm6l.html...”) then just search for it (in these cases, search for “L5TM6L”): if you know it's a place is within the present web page, use your web browser's find (Ctrl-F); otherwise use say Google Search (yes, you can find the item even if it has been renamed and/or moved to another website!).
    2. L5TM9Q: Each is also a timestamp, encoding the date & time of the ID's creation which typically tells when its item was first spoken/written/created: I will be publishing a decoder.

KVDSDD(Persuading especially the masses)

Revision 185 -2009.12.28pst1550 (~10% complete 1st draft):

  1. KVDTBR:  Key motivation: 
    1. KVDU89:  This site http://LoveRules.Info pioneers social-technology™ as it's 1st mission.
    2. KVDU9M:  And any invention, beliefs, & technology, most especially social-technology™, will not be used without persuading users to use it.
      1. KVDUOG:  Also Persuading well is especially true today with social-technology™:
        1. KVDUYT:  it is getting increasingly easily to persuade humans to use a new cell phone, a new vehicle, or even change their communication habits, even if this will potentially make them incompatible with others (as both users need a fax device to transmit by fax; but that was still overcome, done, and now is increasingly outdated!); and the makers of these devices invent them, advertise them to us, and for the most part we switch when we tell us ("Okay, what's the latest cell phone I need to be using this year?").
        2. KVDV0O:  But getting people to update their dating & marriage habits, and especially their religion, typically near impossible, and seemingly impossible if you direct them in these choices (easily could inspire revolt).  
      2. KVDU9V:  Mass persuasion needed: Moreover, while individuals can change socially, social changes (as much social-technology™) typically needs to be compatible with (and usually the same as) that of other socially neighboring creatures, especially with humans being social creatures, creating a catch-22 of "I will do it if most everyone else does".
    3. KVDUJ8:  Thus social change (as most social-technology™) typically cannot be be accomplished significantly without persuading the masses, especially with social creatures as humans.

  2. KVDYNP:  Persuading the individual:
    1. KVDZ0M:  Conscious persuasion
      1. KVDZAI:  To be written@@@
      2. KVDZAA:  see Message composed of 2 parts
    2. KVDYWY:  Subconscious reprogramming
      1. KVDYU4:  Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
      2. KVDYWY:  Hypnosis
      3. KVDYY6:  Subliminal Advertising
  3. KVDZ2I:  Persuading the masses
    1. KVDZ3A:  See motivation.
    2. KVDV6D:  The common sentiment "I will do it if most everyone else does"
      1. KVDV75:  Motivated by a combination of:
        1. KVDUEE:  Being perfectly (as "it" may simply not work or be fair unless most everybody does it) and
          1. KVDUG4:  Just simple social creature nature & nurture (and remember:
          2. KVDUCG:  While humans have regular exceptions they love to celebrate (which makes the movie, book, or news), the truth is humans are heard-like if not sheepish most of the time (>90%)).
  4. KVDVER:  Some background material
    1. KVDVFF:  Presented on C-Span2 presentation of the American University (American.Edu)'s "Campaign Management Institute" (27th year) 2009.12.28pst12--
      1. KVDVIY:  David Winston: 2009.12.28pst1100-1200~ "Campaign Strategies & Messages" presentation by David Winston, Winston Group (Political Consulting Firm) - President
        1. KVDYF0:  Watched elections like some guys watch football.
        2. KVDY4J:  Message composed of 2 parts:
          1. KVDWTA:  Content is king: receivers need to interested (almost always already), message must be made graspable (as simple), and it must engage with a personal consequence to the receiver
            1. KVDXJ7:  People's interest/memory
              1. KVDXJV:  What: jarring events (as 9/11) (also popular events (of course), recent events), things which personally affect them
              2. KVDWZM:  Rarely works to persuade people to be interested in something they're not (like trying to speak slowly to someone-as-if-a-child to someone who just doesn't speak English)
              3. KVDXZL:  Note after one message gets out, reach an equilibrium when it's time for another message.
            2. KVDX07:  Make the message graspable.  Recommended 2 books: "Made to Stick" ("Why some ideas survive and others die") and "Laws of Simplicity"
            3. KVDXRY:  Engages: "Means-Ends Theory Communication": Issue Attributes -> Issue Benefit -> Personal Consequence -> Value emphasize
            4. KVDXQI:  Showed an impressive AT&T video ad in the mid 90s selling women on using cell phones (prior women just thought of them as "boy toys"); features Cindy Lopper's "The phone rings ... Girls just want to have fun!"
          2. KVDY5X:  Style also important.
        3. KVDXEV:  Knowing & responding correctly to opposition is key
          1. KVDXBZ:  Compare: Show how the opposition's plan won't work but yours will.
          2. KVDXD9:  Simply buying double the ads or negative ads against the opposition usually doesn't work well.
        4. KVDX26:  Balance Strategy & Tactics
          1. KVDX2Z:  "Strategy without tactics is the longest victory and Tactics without strategy is the noise before the upcoming defeat."
        5. KVDYJT:  Constantly doing decision loop (Observe, Assess, Decide, Act, repeat) very fast (often the faster the better).
        6. KVDWSU:  "Money is a resource, not an outcome" "the outcome is not how much money you raise, but if you win the election"   Gave many cases of where with the candidate with much money did poorly and without much money did well (Sen McCain went thru both).
      2. KVDVJU:  Stephan Hankin: 2009.12.28pst1308-1330~: presentation of "Polling/Public Opinion Research" by Stephan Hankin, Lincoln Park Strategies (Democratic Polling firm) - Founder & President
        1. KVDWHI:  Had done polling for 10 years, for campaigns as big as Obama; recently started his own company (Lincoln Park)
        2. KVDWH0:  Costs
          1. KVDVOK:  10 to 15% of campaign budget should be spent on (market) research
          2. KVDW6K:  A statewide campaign should spend at least $100K on "market research"
        3. KVDVPK:  Market research consists of these activities:
          1. KVDVVU:  Opinion Polls
            1. KVDZF6:  Start with easy questions (people will stop if they feel stupid)
            2. KVDW9A:  Method
              1. KVDWBI:  Phone poll
                  1. KVDW9N:  Phone poll to landlines - the traditional method which he seemed to specialize in
                  2. KVDWAE:  Phone poll to cell phones - newer, attracts younger audience
                  3. KVDWA5:  Should be limited to no more than 12 minutes, absolute longest he's heard is 25 minutes.
                  4. KVDYZB:  Call 400 to 1000 people.
                  5. KVDVNK:  Phone #s obtained by voter records or random number generation.
                  6. KVDX9L:  Things for which a focus group is better:
                    1. KVDX4Y:  Negative news about opposition usually backfires here (as person thinks it's a push poll)
                    2. KVDX84:  Reading a bio and asking how it sounds usually is a waste of time here
              2. KVDWF1:  Internet Poll - for younger audience
            3. KVDVQH:  Baseline Poll - (as phone poll) done at start; large.
              1. KVDVZW:  Question groups (in order)
                1. KVDW0V:  Issues (general issues)
                2. KVDW1O:  Faves (additional favorite issues?)
                3. KVDW3P:  Horse race (latest issue of the day)
                4. KVDW4D:  Bio (aspects of candidate's bio)
                5. KVDW4O: Policy (candidate's policy proposals)
                6. KVDW5I:  Demographics (age, race, location, education, political party, income, education)
            4. KVDVR9:  Mid-way Poll (done mid way: mid size).
            5. KVDVRU:  Tracking poll (tracks certain issues, done selectively)
          2. KVDVTE:  Focus Groups.
            1. KVDX65:  Done if can be afforded;
            2. KVDX6M:  Gets clarity of why people are reacting the way they do.
            3. KVDX6Z:  Usually consists of about 10 people in a 2 hour meeting
            4. KVDX7A:  Useful for exploring people's reaction to campaign ads, to candidate bios, negative news, and more.

KVA16I:  Some Document History
  1. KVDSDD:  2009.12.28pst1315- I DestinyArchitect created this document (Writely document KVDSDD); it's © Fully Copyright by the creator with all rights reserved except as stated otherwise in writing by the copyright holder.
    1. KVA3T1:  From: copying as directed Writely document KUJWXV) “Revision 674 -2009.12.28pst1313 (~94% complete 2nd draft; untested)
    2. KVA579:  Officially published at: http://LoveRules.Info/2009/12/kvdsdd.html
    3. KVA3VQ:  Motive (at creation): My immediate motive is to write down the notes I'm seeing on C-Span2 broadcast of American University (American.Edu) presentations by David Winston and Stephan Hankin, but I have general ideas I've had on persuading masses that occurred to me when developing Romes & Juliets (~2002).
    4. KVA3WV: Title (at creation): desiring name[Persuading the masses]; renamed to title[KVDSDD(Persuading the masses)].
    5. KVDYPL:  Title renamed to title[KVDSDD(Persuading especially the masses)] since added section Persuading the individual
    6. KVDZNQ:  First real published release as "[>]Revision 180 -2009.12.28pst1550 (~10% complete 1st draft):"

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