L5TJXG: Hover/mouse-over: Use of this site —by DestinyArchitect

  1. L5U1B1: WELCOME! ☺  This site promotes & pioneers Social-technology™ based on science & love (Rules for Love so Love Rules™ and Humans, Play-God wisely™). This site is for anyone caring about romance, friends, love, family, community, getting along, playing & working together, social & work relations & relationships, values/morals/ethics/religion, and social issues between life-forms and especially between us humans! In fact, per "What's life worth without others to truly share it with?", this site encourages us to take our social aspects (indeed our Social-technology™) more seriously than we take our ever-dominating technical-technology! This site is “created & owned & copyright © by DestinyArchitect with all rights reserved, including no copying & no printing unless noted, except: • the latest version is available for free for public reading & comment at any time” at http://LoveRules.Info.
  2. L5N5LD: What are these codes such as “L5N5LD” on (the right-top of) this paragraph? They are my invention, part of next-generation Wikipedia I'm architecting. Each is an ID to uniquely & permanently name, point-to, link-to, find, and timestamp most anything:
    1. L5TM6L: Each gives a unique & permanent ID to most-every paragraph, section, & document. And many are also an HTML-anchor to the item (to the start of that item within the web page it's on); for instance, the URL ending with “#L5TM6L” (click it!) sends you this paragraph.
      L6SVUW: How to find an ID, say if a link containing an ID is broken: Find the ID (it could be in the name of the reference/link as “L5TM6L: ...”, or in the URL bookmark as “...#L5TM6L”, or in the URL filename as “.../l5tm6l.html...”) then just search for it (in these cases, search for “L5TM6L”): if you know it's a place is within the present web page, use your web browser's find (Ctrl-F); otherwise use say Google Search (yes, you can find the item even if it has been renamed and/or moved to another website!).
    2. L5TM9Q: Each is also a timestamp, encoding the date & time of the ID's creation which typically tells when its item was first spoken/written/created: I will be publishing a decoder.

(LoveRules.Info post template)KUJWXV

[L4NJCR:>id]Revision 1238 -2010.08.07pst1118 (~99% complete 5th version):
header info
Contents —Read for a quick full-picture of what's here
  1. L4N2ZW: Document Participants, Topics, & Confidentiality

    --who & who-is-to use/have-access + topics, summarized from the Document History
    KL582LName of individual else groupTheir every relevant (Org & Title & Address)Their every (Document Role & its date range if not "always")
    KKUMN9anyonepublic”no-access (confidential info)
    KKUMIS--Those Support@Dreamhost.com trust & deem necessary to help solve thisauthor-who-can't-invite-others
    KKUMMO--Support@Dreamhost.com & their internal address DreamhostTest@Gmail.comauthor-who-can-invite-others-to-edit-or-view
    L4N7E8:Wesley S.of Support@Dreamhost.com (handles SVN issues)author-who-can-invite-others-to-edit-or-view
    KKUMHSDestinyArchitect--owner & initial author
    L4N88W:MS Expression Web--topic
    L4N894:Dreamhost Subversion (SVN)--topic
    Sample Values
    anyone; Wesley S.; DestinyArchitect; up to 10 by approval; 2010.01~-2010.06.23~-present; MS Expression Web; Dreamhost Subversion (SVN)public; Support@Dreamhost.com & their internal address DreamhostTest@Gmail.com; Those Support@Dreamhost.com trust & deem necessary to help solve this; of Support@Dreamhost.comno-access (confidential info); viewer; author-who-can't-invite-others; author-who-can-invite-others-to-edit-or-view; owner; topic
  2. [KVV0OX: Sample item 1

    1. KVUZXE: Sample sub item

      1. KVUZXP: Sample sub-sub item

  3. KVV161: How to use this? See Writing Docs in ((post template)KKUJWXV instructions & history)KVUYWG

    >your body sections]

  4. KVA16I: Document Background & History

    1. KUJWXV: 2009.12.12pst1005 I DestinyArchitect “created & own this document”.

      1. L2MXTP:Confidentiality & Copyright: This document is copyrighted & could be confidential; specifically the document's owner(s) require all having this document abide by LoveRules.Info ownership & access rights (on LoveRules.Info About) with no exceptions unless its owner(s) state otherwise below or here:” no exceptions now.
      2. KVA3T1:Initially formed by: copying as directed” empty (created from scratch) “Revision <#/> <date/>” to new Writely doc KUJWXV http://docs.google.com/Edit?docid=0AX07OJ9W4BnBZGM2dnN4ZHdfMjQ3Nzk2Mzd4Zms.
      3. KVA3VQ:Motive at creation:” After creating the 1st 17 articles on http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info manually, decided to create this template; 1st article I created with it seems to be KUK20G(Why humans special? Top teaching, & likely THAT'S ALL!); symmetrically I'm making the template a post as well.
      4. KVA3WV:Title at creation: desiring name”[LoveRules.Info post template]; “renamed to” title[(LoveRules.Info post template)KUJWXV].
      5. KVA579:Initially Published-at URL:” http://Blogger.LoveRules.Info/2009/12/kujwxv.html.
    2. .

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